A couple of weeks ago Sony made an announcement that seemed almost too good to be true: God of War (2018) is getting a PC port. This announcement came as a shock to many given that Sony has been traditionally reluctant to play nice with other platforms. For the longest time, they didn’t even want to support cross-platform games. And yet, this same company is now bringing one of the hottest PS5 games to PC.
We could delve into some of the reasons that lead to this decision but, at the end of the day, why look a gift horse in the mouth? Instead, we figured a better use of our time would be to make a wish list of other PlayStation exclusives we want to see on PC.
After all, if Sony is willing to bring its flagship series to PC we’re likely to see a bunch of other ports in 2022 and beyond. The fact that Sony rebranded its Steam publishing label to ‘PlayStation PC LLC’ earlier this year is further evidence that more ports are coming soon.
Here are the biggest PS5 games we want to see on PC:
10. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Ratchet & Clank has been around for almost two decades at this point. The series has a couple of entries on mobile but aside from that, Ratchet & Clank games never made their way to other platforms. Sure, you can probably find PC emulators for some of the older titles but that’s only a small consolation.
Rumors surrounding a possible PC port of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart started surfacing back in May after Sony made a slight adjustment to one of the promotional trailers for the game. Most trailers labeled the game as a “PlayStation Exclusive” but this one described it as a “PlayStation 5 Console Exclusive”. It’s a minor difference but it managed to get a lot of people riled up.
The implication, of course, was that Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart would be exclusive to a single console: the PS5. But that label wouldn’t exclude it from launching on a non-console gaming platform like PC. Unfortunately, this was likely just a case of people looking too hard into something that didn’t mean anything.
Less than one month after that trailer, Sony put out another promotional video and this one carried the “PlayStation Exclusive” label once again. The only conclusion we can really draw from all of this is that Sony isn’t very consistent with its labeling.
Having said all that, an unspecified Ratchet & Clank game did appear in the same leak that mentioned the God of War PC port. So let’s hope at least one game from the series will eventually make it to PC. And let’s also hope that game is Rift Apart. The fact that so many people praise it as being one of the best PS5 games at the moment makes us want it even more.
9. Sackboy: A Big Adventure

There are already plenty of cutesy platformers on PC but one more couldn’t hurt, right? We never ended up getting the LittleBigPlanet PC port a lot of us were hoping for, but maybe we’ll have more luck with its spinoff, Sackboy: A Big Adventure.
Back in late October, Reddit users uncovered some fairly solid evidence hinting at a PC port of Sackboy: A Big Adventure. According to the subreddit, the game made its way to the Steam Database recently, or so it seemed. The listing didn’t specifically mention the game by name but it did include two keywords that point at it being Sackboy.
First off, the database package name was labeled “Marmalade for Beta Testing.” This might not sound like much at first glance, but according to another leak, Marmalade was developer Sumo Digital’s code name for Sackboy. Speaking of which, one of the project branches was labeled “sumoqa” before its name was changed to something else.
But possibly the most interesting detail of all is that the developers ended up scrubbing the database entry not long after the leak surfaced. That kinda makes it seem like they made a mistake when they left in all those details.
Two years ago, a group of modders wanted to bring LittleBigPlanet to PC via a fan-made game known as LittleBigPlanet Restitched. Unfortunately, Sony quickly shut them down and we haven’t heard of any other similar projects since. With any luck, we might end up seeing Sackboy: A Big Adventure on PC instead.
8. The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 is a very divisive game, with some calling it one of the best PS4 exclusives out there while others claiming it was a disappointment. Case in point, Metacritic user reviews currently sit at an average of 5.7 while the average for the critic reviews is at a whopping 93. Needless to say, that’s quite a discrepancy.
But regardless of whether you hate it or love it, I’m sure most PC players would be happy to see the game on their platform. Ideally, as part of some sort of bundle that also includes The Last of Us Remastered. After all, these are story-driven games and playing the sequel without having experienced the original wouldn’t be particularly fun.
Naughty Dog already confirmed that Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is coming to PC alongside the PS5 in 2022. If the developers can bring Uncharted to PC there’s a strong possibility that their other big franchise will be ported too.
Rumors have been floating around for some time that Sony wants another remastered version of The Last of Us, this time for PS5. Once that gets officially announced, we’ll probably hear something concrete about The Last of Us on PC.
7. Returnal

If you’ve been following the news lately you may have heard about a new Nvidia GeForce Now leak claiming that several PS5 games are coming to PC in 2022. Among them, Housemarque’s highly successful third-person roguelike. Returnal.
Returnal launched earlier this year as one of the first PS5 exclusives that also happens to be a new IP. Housemarque has been developing games for close to three decades and while many of their recent ones have been PlayStation exclusives, the company is no stranger to PC games. In fact, their first few projects were all PC games. More recently, the developers self-published Nex Machina on both PC and PS4 back in 2017.
So what are the chances of Returnal coming to PC? Honestly, pretty good. Returnal showed up in another leak earlier this year which claimed, among other things, that a God of War PC port was in the works. Sure enough, that part of the leak was confirmed shortly after.
Sony has yet to say anything about a possible Returnal PC port but there might be a good reason for that. It usually takes PlayStation exclusives a couple of years to make their way to PC and Returnal came out only about six months ago. If they are working on it, they’ll probably keep it to themselves until 2022. At the very least.
6. Final Fantasy Vii Remake

PC gamers have a long and strange history with Final Fantasy. A lot of games from the series tend to make their way to PC many years after their original release, but plenty of them are still missing from the platform. For the longest time PC ports of FF titles have been popping up seemingly at random so it’s hard to say for sure whether the Final Fantasy VII Remake will receive the same treatment.
What we can say for certain is that there are already several remasters of Final Fantasy games on PC along with the original FF VII and the most recent entry in the main series, Final Fantasy XV. Plus, there’s also a little PC game you may have heard of called Final Fantasy XIV. Which ended up being one of the best MMORPGs ever made.
At the moment, there’s no indication that the Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming to PC. However, it’s not entirely impossible. The main issue is that the remake is episodic and we know Sony only likes to port complete games. Final Fantasy VII Remake part 2 isn’t even out on PS5 yet and there’s likely to be an additional part afterward. Possibly even more.
Once all the scheduled content is available on PS5, we might start hearing something about a possible Final Fantasy VII Remake PC port. However, at the current rate that’s probably going to take a few more years.
5. Demon’s Souls (2020)

Originally released back in 2009 for the PS3, Demon’s Souls was added to the PS5 games lineup via the remaster just a little over a year ago. Much like the original, the game received a lot of praise for its art style, boss design, and its challenging but fair combat. In other words, the Demon’s Souls remake was a huge success.
The soulslike genre debuted on consoles but it didn’t take long for these games to make their way to PC. From Software started things on the wrong foot with a notoriously bad PC port of the original Dark Souls but ended up redeeming themselves with sold ports of its two sequels. Eventually, PC gamers also got a chance to play the original in all its glory in 2018 thanks to Dark Souls: Remastered.
By this point, the entire Souls series is available on PC along with FromSoftware’s most recent RPG, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. In addition, we already know that Elden Ring will also be available on PC when it launches in February of next year. All we need now are Demon’s Souls (2020) and Bloodborne.
Demon’s Souls appeared in the same leak that mentioned the PC ports of God of War and Returnal. That’s not necessarily a confirmation of anything but we think there’s a pretty good chance of Demon’s Souls coming to PC considering how successful other soulslike games have been on the platform.
As far as Bloodborne is concerned, that one is still a PS4 exclusive as of this writing. We’ll probably first need to see a Bloodborne PS5 upgrade before we can even talk about a possible PC port. That said, Bloodborne is coming to PC next year as a PS1-style demake courtesy of independent developer Lilith Walther. So, that’s something.
4. Horizon Forbidden West

I know, I know. At this point, we’re just getting greedy. I mean, we’re talking about porting PS5 games that aren’t even out yet. But you can’t blame us for putting this one on the list considering Horizon Zero Dawn was one of the first PS4 exclusives to receive a PC port. Unlike a lot of other upcoming PS5 games, Horizon Forbidden West will also be available on PS4.
At the moment, there’s no confirmation that Horizon Forbidden West is coming to PC but that’s not surprising. The original was a system seller and didn’t make its way to PC until almost three years after launch. If Forbidden West is getting a PC port, which we think it will, we might not see it until 2023 or possibly even later.
It’s interesting to note that Guerilla’s first project, a third-person shooter called Shellshock: Nam ’67, launched on PC in addition to the PS2 and the original Xbox. After the company’s acquisition by Sony in 2005, Guerilla only worked on PlayStation exclusives. That is, until recently.
Guerilla Games’ return to PC seems almost poetic and we hope to see even more of their titles on the platform, starting with Horizon Forbidden Dawn.
3. God of War Ragnarök

We only recently learned that God of War (2018) is making its way to PC complete with enhanced visuals and we couldn’t be more excited to play it. But where does that leave God of War Ragnarök? Will the sequel get a port too? Well, maybe. Although we probably shouldn’t get our hopes up just yet.
It’s clear that Sony is planning to make a big push into the PC space starting next year. However, it’s a bit unrealistic to expect all PS5 games to be ported over. Until a few years ago not even Xbox was doing it, and Microsoft has a lot invested in PC gaming.
Sony’s willingness to keep making PC ports will largely depend on how successful they’ll end up being. So far, the ports have been doing pretty well but there have been a couple of duds here and there. Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture immediately springs to mind.
Since Sony is willing to go so far as to release the first installment on PC, there is a chance the sequel will receive the same treatment. But there’s no guarantee. I suppose we’ll first have to wait for God of War Ragnarök’s PS4 and PS5 launch before getting our hopes up.
The game is currently slated for a 2022 release but there has been no mention of a specific date just yet. If Ragnarök does make its way to PC, we can pretty much guarantee that it won’t arrive alongside the PlayStation versions.
2. Marvel’s Spider-Man

We’ve seen a big influx of games based on Marvel characters these past few years, largely thanks to the massive success of the MCU. We’ve had some hits like Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy along with some misses like Marvel’s Avengers, but none of these licensed games managed to make quite as big of a splash as Marvel’s Spider-Man.
Sony has been embroiled in a massive legal battle against Disney and Marvel over the rights to Spider-Man. The company has been jealously guarding the rights to the character for decades and took full advantage of them over the years by making a multitude of games and movies starring Spidey.
However, things have been changing recently and it’s likely that Sony will eventually lose the rights to the character. But in the meantime, the company is milking it for all its worth. Case in point, Sony is finally bringing Spider-Man to Marvel’s Avengers, but only for the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game.
At the moment, the chances of ever seeing Marvel’s Spider-Man on PC are pretty slim. Same goes for the sequel. Back in November of 2020, developer Insomniac shut down rumors claiming that a PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was in the works.
But just because Sony doesn’t want to port the game right now that doesn’t mean we’re never going to see it. Keep in mind that God of War is making its way to PC almost four years after its initial launch on PS4. Let’s not give up hope just yet.
1. Ghost of Tsushima

And wrapping up our list of PS5 games we want to see on PC is Ghost of Tsushima. We’re no strangers to games set in feudal Japan but this one is something truly special. The visuals, the atmosphere, the story, the music – everything is simply fantastic. It’s a shame that only PlayStation gamers can enjoy it, but maybe that won’t be the case for much longer.
Rumors about a possible Ghost of Tsushima PC port started circulating online quite a while ago. Back in June, gamers were quick to notice that Sony dropped the “only on PlayStation” label from the game’s box art. The same thing happened with Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone shortly before they made their way to PC. However, there’s some indication that Sony is planning to gradually drop the label altogether, so this doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
The rumor mill picked up speed once again following the aforementioned Nvidia GeForce Now leaks. There’s some debate over whether people should be taking those leaks seriously. But we already know that at least two of the PS5 games featured there will be coming to PC next year, so maybe there is a little grain of truth here.
Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut launched on August 20th and the game is still receiving updates to this day. We may end up hearing something about a possible port once Sucker Punch stops working on the game and decides to move on to the next project. Maybe.
And while we’re on the topic, we also wouldn’t mind seeing the InFamous series on PC. Those games are a bit old by now, but everything is getting remastered and remade these days, so who knows. Fingers crossed.