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Among Us in Space Jam 2 | Hidden Easter Egg

Among Us in Space Jam 2

Hidden Easter Eggs have become a big part of modern media in recent years, with movies, shows, and games constantly giving nods to themselves and sometimes other properties. With the release of LeBron James’ Space Jam 2 some fans think they have spotted the yellow Among Us character hidden in the background. So, is Among Us in Space Jam 2?

Is There An Space Jam 2 Among Us Easter Egg?

Among Us in Space Jam 2

Yes, it appears there is a Space Jam 2 Among Us Easter Egg hidden in the film, and it’s super easy to miss. The yellow imposter can be seen in a recent trailer introducing the Toon Squad, just after Road Runner is introduced. The yellow imposter is hiding in the background and can only be seen for a split second. However, some viewers believe that it’s actually Penelope Pitstop’s headlight and it just looks like a character from the game.

Warner Bros. has admittedly stuffed the movie full of different Easter Eggs and even released a trailer pointing some of them out. The trailer reveals hidden shout-outs to Scooby-Doo, Iron Giant, and King Kong, just to name a few. Even if the Space Jam 2 Among Us Easter Egg turns out to be a headlight, it’s still a pretty funny coincidence. And who knows, maybe there is a separate scene with a hidden character that hasn’t been spotted yet.

As more and more people watch the movie, fans are noticing other hidden video game and pop culture Easter Eggs in the movie too. For example, young LeBron can be seen playing a Crazy Castle on a Game Boy, which starred Bug’s Bunny. This is a pretty obvious one, but there are some less obvious nods to Batman, Mad Max, the Joker, Rick and Morty, and tons more.

What do you think of the Among Us Easter Egg? Do you think it’s real or is actually just a headlight? Be sure to head over to our Twitter page and let us know!

Written by Andrew Smith