Sometimes in Destiny 2, old areas come back to haunt us out of nowhere. Daily legends can bring back Lost Sectors that were locked in the past. The Quarry is one of these legendary areas, and if you’re trying to farm, this is a head-scratcher! Thankfully, once you know where it is, this farm is very effective and can be spammed whenever you need your exotic drop. Let’s get right to the quarry!
Where to Find The Quarry in Destiny 2
The Quarry is located in the Sunken Isles area of the EDZ. Head to the northwest of the map, near the giant landed ship. You’ll find it on the map with two arcs, just to the northeast of the ship itself, by the ramp. You should find the cave mouth without too much issue, and there may even be other players looking to farm the daily legend, too.
For the Legend difficulty, you’ll need 1560 light level. For the more difficult but better rewarding Master difficulty, you’ll need 1590. Either option is great for your exotic luck.
The Quarry will almost never matter, unless it is the legend lost sector for the day. However, when it does show up, you’ll want to do it. This sector on Master and Legend will drop you some exotic loot without much issue.
This lost sector has the Scorched Earth modifier, which will fill firefights with grenades. Stay on the move and get from cover-to-cover and this modifier will basically solve itself. Enemies will also have a ton of Void and Solar shields on Legend difficulty, so make sure to bring the correct equipment here.
On legend difficulty, this is one of the fastest sectors… Assuming you know what to shoot! It is suggested to bring a Stasis Special and void weapons for your other slots. Try to take out the trash mobs before focusing on the Champions: Some of these rooms have very little cover, so taking chip damage will not help you out.
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