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Disney Dreamlight Valley Peanut Butter Waffle Recipe | How to Make

Dreamlight Valley Peanut Butter Waffle Recipe

The world of Disney Dreamlight Valley has plenty of recipes you can unlock throughout your adventure. From fancy 5-star dishes to hearty homemade meals, you’ll be able to cook almost every dish imaginable. Lunch and dinner recipes are especially abundant but if you’re a breakfast lover, the game still has you covered. One sweet breakfast dish that’s particularly important is the Peanut Butter Waffle recipe because it’s a requirement in completing Remy’s Recipe Book quest.

How to Make Peanut Butter Waffles in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Dreamlight Valley Peanut Butter Waffle Recipe

The Peanut Butter Waffles recipe is a 4-star dessert, which consists of the following four ingredients:

  • Wheat
  • Milk
  • Egg
  • Peanuts

Peanut Butter Waffles are one of the simplest dishes to make in the game as its ingredients may all be purchased within Chez Remy and in Peaceful Meadow. There will still be a need to unlock the Dazzle Beach biome, but at a price of 1,000 Dreamlight it can easily be accessed.

Wheat is one of the easiest ingredients to acquire in the game because it can be bought at Goofy’s Stall in Peaceful Meadow once you’ve repaired it. Wheat Seeds are worth one Star Coin each and can be grown in one minute so you’ll be able to collect some in no time at all.

If you really can’t be bothered to wait, fully-grown Wheat can also be purchased for three Star Coins.

Both Milk and Eggs can be bought at Chez Remy once you’ve unlocked Remy from the Dream Castle and after you’ve completed a few of his quests. But if you didn’t choose Remy’s world as your first unlockable realm in the Dream Castle, you will have to spend 3,000 Dreamlight to access it.

Peanuts, the recipe’s most important ingredient, is also sold at Chez Remy, however, you will have to complete Remy’s Recipe Book quest before it can be available. In it, you will be tasked with retrieving three of Remy’s recipe books buried in Peaceful Meadow and Dazzle Beach.

For more on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out the guides below!

Written by Andrew Smith