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Fortnite | How to Ring A Doorbell

Fortnite - How to Ring A Doorbell

Fortnite allows you to use various tactics throughout the Island. Aside from the expected gunfights, stealth movements, and building support, you can also use caution and intimidation. We try to stay creative with the tools that are given to us, but the doorbell is definitely a peculiar one. If you’re wondering how you can ring a doorbell in Fortnite, look no further than right here.

How to Ring A Doorbell in Fortnite

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 How to Ring A Doorbell

To ring a doorbell in Fortnite, simply interact with any available doorbell in sight. It’s the same process as interacting with basically anything else in the game. You can find these on most regular homes next to the front door. Other populated structures like tall buildings, Reality sites, condominiums, and gas stations won’t have any doorbells. In fact, many of the named landmarks won’t feature normal homes with a bell to ring. We found some at Coney Crossroads and Greasy Grove, so you’ll have some luck finding a couple of them from these locations.

One of the newer challenges for Fortnite requires the player to break doorbells by ringing them. All you have to do is continuously interact with the bell until it sparks up damage. About 5-6 clicks seem to do the trick. Doing this will ultimately disrupt the doorbell, rendering it useless for the rest of the match. Anyone inside of the house with the broken bell will hear its snap, along with the initial ding-dongs upon interaction.

With the rise of the Reality Tree in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3, we’re seeing fewer doorbells during our runs. Named landmarks are being affected, with previously established locations getting a vibrant makeover. Even when it comes to our favorite landmarks, locating a doorbell is starting to replicate the experience of finding a llama. The aforementioned challenge might take a few tries, depending on where you land and who got to the house first. It’s all a matter of dropping onto a promising location and heading straight to a doorbell.

Need more tips on conquering Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3? We got you covered:

Written by Andrew Smith