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Fortnite Prepare for Jones Call | What Does it Mean?

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Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4: Paradise has begun, and a new mysterious chrome material appears to be taking over. We don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like much of a paradise to us.  In any case, if you want to get to the bottom of it, you’ll need to do the Paradise Challenges, which follow the Season 4 plot. The first step of these quests requires you to prepare for Jones Call, but you, like everyone else, may be unsure how to do so because the instructions aren’t very straightforward. The good news is that we have the solution in this guide.

What Does Prepare for Jones Call Mean in Fortnite?

What Does Prepare for Jones Call Mean in Fortnite?

To prepare for Jones call in Fortnite Season: 4 Paradise, you just need to continue to thank the bus driver. It doesn’t explicitly say to do this, however, thanking the bus driver before you drop in a battle royale match, will activate the call from Jones. The call will last about 10 seconds, and once done, the “prepare for Jones call” quest will be complete.

At the end of the call, Jones will mention that it’s up to us to figure out what’s going on with the island, referring to the chrome substance. Then he’ll follow up by saying “we should start here”. That’s when the second challenge for the Season 4: Paradise quest line will pop up. This one simply tasks you with rebooting computers at different Seven Outposts to start collecting data.

To recap, all you have to do to prepare for Jones’s call is thank the bus driver. This will kickstart the Paradise Challenges, with the others being relatively laid out compared to this initial one. But now that you know how to complete it, you can work through the Paradise Challenges and get to the bottom of the chrome substance that has appeared on the island. So if this guide helped, be sure to check out our other Fortnite guides below:

Written by Andrew Smith