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Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens | Where to Find

Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens

The Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Snap challenges will require players to track down three The Joneses Tover Tokens. Doing so will unlock a special Mechbasher style for the Snap skin. So, where can you find all three of the hidden tokens to complete the challenge?

Where to Find All The Joneses Tover Tokens in Fortnite

Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens

There are three The Joneses Tover Tokens that you’ll need to find. The first is inside a shack in the northern part of the area, the second is outside of a trailer by the pond, and the third is by some targets in the southern part of the named location.

You can see each of the locations on the map above, and find more details on each below.

The Joneses Tover Token #1

Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens

The first of The Joneses Tover Tokens can be found in the northern part of the area inside of a small shed. If you can’t find it, look just above the NPC chat bubble on the minimap.

The Joneses Tover Token #2

Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens

The second token can be found next to a trailer beside the pond that’s located at the Joneses. Simply head to the pond and look for the trailer and you should easily find the token.

The Joneses Tover Token #3

Fortnite The Joneses Tover Tokens

The last of The Joneses Tover Tokens can be found next to some targets in the southern part of the area. Locate the first E in Joneses and head south. You’ll find the token behind the big red building.

Once you’ve got all three of the tokens, head back to the main menu and you’ll get the Mechbasher style for the Snap skin. There are no advantages to unlocking the styles, but they’ll allow you to customize the skin exactly how you want.

More Snap challenges will be unlocked throughout the season, but in the meantime, be sure to find the tokens that are at Reality Falls and The Sanctuary. Happy hunting!

Written by Andrew Smith