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Gotham Knights | How to Mark Enemies

Gotham Knights - How to Mark Enemies

Being the protégé of the world’s greatest detective can come with its perks in Gotham Knights. While the heroes remain in the shadows to serve the innocent, they can utilize gadgets to give them a little boost when patrolling the city. Batarangs, gliders, vehicles, and other gizmos are all a part of our arsenal, including the handy marking system. With the help of Augmented Reality (or AR in the game), our heroes are able to mark their enemies before executing an action plan.

How to Mark Enemies in Gotham Knights

How to Mark Enemies in Gotham Knights

When scanning the area, hold down the AR button to enter the camera mode while directly aiming at an enemy. A second later, an icon will appear over their head, allowing you to refer to them as designated foes when not activating AR. Xbox and PlayStation users can mark enemies by holding the “down” button on their D-pad; PC players need to hold down the “X” key. A quick tap of the button will trigger the AR pulse for a general scan.

The ability to mark enemies in the game provides a couple of advantages for you as you progress through Gotham Knights. Obviously, having the option to pinpoint certain enemies as you navigate an area can be extremely useful, especially if they’re observing a spot or if they’re a tougher foe. Marking your opponents will establish characters of interest to either focus on right away or to save for later.

Additionally, there will be in-mission challenges that’ll task you with marking a specified number of enemies. Usually, from what we’ve seen, it’s mostly three, and it’s an easy challenge to complete. You can quickly get this out of the way by scanning any criminals within your vicinity. Doing so will close up the challenge, thus acquiring extra XP for your sneaky efforts.

The marking system is also used for Robin’s side activity of capturing graffiti all over Gotham. You can find these by tapping the AR button to locate any nearby sightings in orange. You might even find some artwork done by Cyborg himself, Victor Stone.

Need a few tips to keep in mind as you watch over the people of Gotham? Investigate these guides for further context:

Written by Andrew Smith