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Grounded Fresh Storage | How to Make

Grounded Fresh Storage - How to Make

Are you tired of your well-cooked grub going to waste in Grounded? In the shrunken position that you’re in, it helps to have some helpful healthy items at bay. When using the roasting spit, you can grill up some dead bugs to keep yourself afloat. However, food will soon spoil if not consumed in a timely manner. Thankfully, Grounded 1.0 brings the new Fresh Storage build, which helps keep food from becoming useless. If you’re wondering how to assemble the Fresh Storage, no need to venture further. We’ve got you covered right here with our notes.

How to Make Fresh Storage in Grounded

Grounded How to Make Fresh Storage

Fresh Storage is created through the Workbench by assembling five Pinecone Pieces, five Mint Shards, and five Black Ant Parts. So now, instead of tossing away spoiled food, you can place them into the new utility. It’s a great device to use if you collect raw meat without having enough time to cook it. Granted, this utility will come into play as you progress further into the Backyard, but you’ll find its presence to be worthwhile if you find yourself killing a variety of bugs.

The new utility adheres to the wacky nature of Grounded by resembling a tiny fridge. Although it isn’t in the same fashion as one of would assume, it provides fresh promising quality to the unspoiled food. All that is needed from you is to bring the food to the device. From there, you can move on to your quests without worrying about your acquired food going to waste.

These can be in the form of slain weevils and aphids, two easily accessible insects that provide multiple routes. Evidently, these tiny critters can be tamed, but their meat can provide sufficient fuel for your character. We can always muster up mushrooms, mints, and candy, yet having the resource in question is wise to have somewhere along in your journey.

Grounded 1.0 has brought about a variety of changes and upgrades, so we’ll be covering the title to help guide you through the Backyard. Here are a few additional tips to get you going:

Written by Andrew Smith