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MLB The Show 21 Conquest Rewards List

MLB The Show 21 Conquest Rewards list

MLB The Show 21 has a surprising number of game modes designed to help your team become perfect for you. Diamond Dynasty by itself holds a dozen different things for you to do. Because of that, all of the game modes can get a little bit overwhelming. And now, with the Conquest mode, you have conquest rewards in MLB The Show 21 to dig for! This newest map, the Nation of Baseball, has a few rewards for you to look out for. This guide will quickly list them so you can decide if it’s worth it!

All Conquest Rewards in MLB The Show 21

All Conquest Rewards in MLB The Show 21

This month’s Conquest Rewards for MLB The Show 21 Nation of Baseball involve the following;

  • 89 OVR Diamond Card of Albert Pujols
  • 2,000 Stubs
  • 4,000 XP
  • Six Division-Themed Prospect Packs (Repeatable)
  • One prospect pack for completing Goals 7-12
  • 79 OVR Walter Johnson
  • 82 OVR Bryce Harper

Conquest mode is a strategy game where you move your fans across the nation to support your popularity across a map. This time around, it’s America. So, you’re basically moving units across America to make your team the most popular possible. This is done through simulated baseball games.

The mode is designed to improve your team in Diamond Dynasty, and it’s here to let you take a break from the hustle and bustle of baseball. It’s relatively quick, and can be interesting to think about as you work your fans throughout “America.” Completing the mode also gets you a ton of packs, so might be worth it just for the prospect of making your team stronger. However, this map is huge. Take down one team at a time, and work from there.

To get the handful of packs, you need to Capture AL and NL strongholds. You’ll get a pack for capturing the East, Central, and West locations in each league. So, once you get a hang of conquest’s gameplay, you can work towards completing those goals and getting your packs.

Wanting to see more about the sports side of gaming? Check out some of the other guides from Guide Fall!

Written by Andrew Smith