Take basketball to the streets. NBA 2K21 Blacktop takes streetball game modes and turns them into interactive dream matches between the greatest players of all-time NBA History. Although the game mode is not receiving a lot of attention from the developers, fans of the franchise still love Blacktop. If you want to know how to play Blacktop online, we can help you get started.
How to Play Blacktop Online in NBA 2K21
Sadly, there is no natural way to play Blacktop Online in NBA 2K21, so players must use a third-party app to do so. In fact, Blacktop online hasn’t been around for a few years, but players can still use the local multiplayer to play with their friends.
In order to play Blacktop in NBA 2K21, go to Play Now from the main menu. You can choose the side each player will stay and pretty much any player combination of players you want there. Unfortunately, there is no competitive mode or queue to play Blacktop in NBA 2K21, and there is no word from 2K about adding an online feature to this game mode it back to NBA 2K22.
Currently, the best way — and possibly the only way — to play Blacktop Online is by using a video-streaming remote access tech such as Parsec or Newcade. If another player is able to access your computer from a direct connection, not only might it be a great way to make the game perform better online, but it will also allow you to play with your friends even if they’re at a significant distance from you.
Blacktop was always a very popular game mode in NBA 2K. Players used to challenge each other in a street court with any sort of dream team they wanted, which is one of the reasons why they’re constantly asking to be able to play this online again. Unfortunately, it’s been a few years since 2K stripped down this feature that included elements such as the slam dunk contest.
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