
Ocarina of Time’s Code Has Been Decompiled

Ocarina of Time's Code Has Been Decompiled

Ocarina of Time, one of the best games ever created, has been reverse-engineered by the Zelda Reverse Engineering Team.

The big news here is that modding is now possible for the Nintendo 64 title. This was done by recreating the game from scratch. Engineers recreated everything themselves, including using original assets for sounds and graphics.

Speaking with VGC, the engineering team said “It’s been a wild ride. We’ve been able to create C code that, when compiled, reproduces the original game. We call this ‘matching’ decompilation.”

They continued, “Last night, Fig, who is a notable community member, as well as a project lead, matched the last remaining function in the project. This means that all compile dcode in the game has been turned into human-readable C code. We thought for a time that we may never be able to match every function completely, so this is an incredibly exciting accomplishment. Dozens of people helped work on this project and together we were able to achieve something amazing.”

It’ll be interesting to see what comes of this development. A version of Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine is pretty enticing, to say the least.


Written by Jake Valentine

I am the Editor-In-Chief of BossLevelGamer. I'm also a lover of video games, food, and beer.