As you start making friends and fighting with allies in Phantasy Star Online 2, you’re going to want to talk with them. Phantasy Star Online 2 actually has a few different ways that you can communicate with other players. From the voice chat system to the auto-chat, you’ve got options for yourself! Perhaps the most innovative and creative option is to use Symbol Art in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. So, how do you use this awesome feature? And how do you add more to your option palette?
How to Add Symbol Art in Phantasy Star Online 2
In order to add Symbol Art in PSO2: New Genesis, open your Communication Menu and head to the art tab (System menu in PSO2). From here, you can select a slot and select “edit” to open the Editor, which is a simple tool to make shapes and colors. In addition, you can head to the top left to select and get art from people around you by selecting History. Finally, you can import art from outside sources in the Import section.
The basic editing tool is a little bit hard to use, but if you are great with basic shapes and colors, then go crazy! However, it is best for very small edits or very basic creations.
If you want to maximize your creativity or pull pictures from online, there are editors to help you out. Perhaps the best one out there right now is made by user AIDA on pso-world. This program allows you to modify art on your computer, as well as generate the file type needed to import new art from any pictures. If you want to really get creative with your Symbol Art, that program is going to be really useful! If you don’t want to download the program, there is also a great github website by malulleybovo that can come in handy. Make sure to turn the volume down, though.
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