Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart has arrived and there are tons of trophies for players to collect as they journey through different dimensions. While unlocking some of the collectibles will be a piece of cake, others will take a bit of hunting and can be easy to miss — especially if you plan to platinum the game. Thankfully, our Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart trophy guide has all the information you need!
All Trophies in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart
There are a total of 47 trophies to collect in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart: Bronze x36, Silver x7, Gold x3, Platinum x1. All of them can be unlocked by playing on the easiest difficulty and shouldn’t take longer than 10 hours to collect. Below is a list of every trophy in Rift Apart and a description of how to earn them.
- Master of the Multiverse: Collect All Trophies (Platinum)
- 2 Fuzz 2 Nefarious: Defeat Doctor and Emperor Nefarious (Gold)
- Fully Stacked: Purchase All Weapons (Gold)
- UnBEARably Awesome: Find a CraiggerBear (Gold)
- Aim to Misbehave: Acquire the RYNO (Silver)
- Can’t Stop Me: Compete a Gold Cup Battleplex Challenge (Silver)
- Does This Make My Tail Look Big?: Acquire and Equip Head, Torso, and Leg Armor (Silver)
- Full Rack: Fill a Weapon Wheel (Silver)
- Nooks and Crannies: Collect Five Gold Bolts (Silver)
- There’s Even a Cupholder: Fully Upgrade a Weapon (Silver)
- They Blow Up So Fast: Get a Weapon to Level Five (Silver)
- Alert the Sponsors: Perform Five Trick Jumps on a Grind Rail (Bronze)
- Boing!: Bounce on Big Al, Clank, and Qwark’s Parade Balloons (Bronze)
- Don’t You Walk Away From Me: Read the Archives (Bronze)
- Emotional Support Robot: Meet the Fixer (Bronze)
- Extinction Event: Kill Five Grunthors (Bronze)
- Extreme Gardening: Defeat 30 Enemies While They’re Topiary’d (Bronze)
- Feeding Friendsy: Collect 15 Zurpstones for Trudi (Bronze)
- Glitch, Uh, Finds a Way: Complete All Glitch Challenges (Bronze)
- Hey Lombax DJ: Play Three Songs on Zurkie’s Jukebox (Bronze)
- Hide ‘N Seekerpede: Defeat the Seekerpede (Bronze)
- Hole Puncher: Get 20 Headshots with the Headhunter (Bronze)
- I’m the Warden Now: Break In and Out of Prison (Bronze)
- Icebreaker: Melee Five Frozen Enemies (Bronze)
- It’s Loose!: Set Juice Free (Bronze)
- It’s So Fluffy!: Frind a Craiggerbear (Bronze)
- Just Stay Down: Defeat 30 Ejected Nefarious Trooper Heads (Bronze)
- Life of the Party: Deploy 50 Mr. Fungis (Bronze)
- Lombax and Chill: Turn on the TV in Rivet’s Hideout (Bronze)
- Max Relax: Find the Nefarious Citizens by the Hot Springs (Bronze)
- Might’ve Broken Something: Collect Three Lorbs (Bronze)
- More Than Lint: Enter a Hidden Pocket Dimension (Bronze)
- Must Go Faster: Do a Trick Jump While Going at Max Speed with Hoverboots (Bronze)
- No Bones About It: Retrieve the Dimensional Map (Bronze)
- No Need for Multiball: Kill Two Enemies with a Single Ricochet Round (Bronze)
- Planning Some Destruction: Collect a Spybot (Bronze)
- Quantum Mechanic: Repair a Dimensional Anomaly (Bronze)
- Rated Aaarrr!: Feed Bubbles (Bronze)
- Return Policy: Kill 10 Enemies by Returning Shots with the Voice Reactor (Bronze)
- Return to Sender: Sink the Mothership on Sargasso (Bronze)
- Rift Apart: Get Separated in Nefarius City (Bronze)
- Sartorial Steel: Acquire a Piece of Armor (Bronze)
- Shifty Character: Hit Every Blizon Crystal on Blizar and Cordelion (Bronze)
- Shiny!: Collect a Gold Bolt (Bronze)
- Sweet, Sweet Victory: Collect Honey for Chef Tulio (Bronze)
- This Crystal Is My Things: Acquire Phase Quartz (Bronze)
- Victory!: Complete a Battleplex Challenge (Bronze)
As you can see, a lot of the Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart trophies can be unlocked by simply playing through the story. However, some of them will require you to go out of your way to get. There is a New Game Plus mode and after you complete the main story, you’ll be able to travel back to different planets once you complete its story.
The only planet you cannot travel back to is Planet 5: Blizar Prime, which is home to the Shifty Character trophy. While exploring the planet, you’ll need to collect all 30 Blizon Crystals. When you start the rail ride, there are a few crystals that are easy to miss that you cannot go back for, so be sure to keep your eye out while you’re riding the rail.
The other Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart trophy that’s missable is Extinction Event, which requires you to kill all five of the Grunthors on Planet 2: Sargasso. You’ll come across them naturally in the story, but you don’t have to kill all five in order to progress. So be sure to take them all out while you’re on Planet 2 because they won’t respawn if you go back to the area later on.
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is relatively easy to platinum and should be on the top of the list for any trophy hunter. Good luck!