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Starfield Animated Anthology Videos Explain The New Universe

Starfield Animated Anthology Videos Explain The New Universe

Games have evolved to the point where the fanfare surrounding the game up to its launch can rival the game itself. As Starfield heads closer to its release date, there are people trying to learn all that they can about it so they’re prepared for what the game has to offer. Fans have worked very hard to provide a lengthy compendium about the universe as well as a guide to the game’s RPG mechanics, but what if the game itself offered materials? Well, there’s now an official animated anthology for people to watch all about Starfield. It tells a story while teaching you about some of the worlds, cultures, and histories you’re likely to encounter.

Starfield Animated Anthology

Starfield Animated Anthology Videos Detail Three New Cities

Bethesda is not in the business of making TV shows or comic strengths when already so much of their work goes into a variety of graphics and narratives. Their upcoming Starfield stands to be one of the most lore-dense games that they’ve released in recent years, and people are curious to know what it’s all about.

Bethesda is responding to this by creating and publishing an animated anthology all about the Starfield universe. It’s comprised of three episodes, each just a little under three minutes long. Their purpose is to provide some info about the worlds of Starfield and the beings that inhabit it. Each one tells a different story that helps to expand people’s understanding of the universe.

All three episodes have been uploaded to YouTube and are available for viewing right now. The anthology is officially titled Starfield: The Settled Systems. The first episode is called Supra Et Ultra, following a courier and their wish to live in one of the most preferred parts of the system. The second episode is Where Hope is Built, follows a person orphaned by war who wants nothing more than to travel the stars. The third and final episode is The Hand that Feeds, follows a pair of petty criminals robbing the wealthy in a city where they seek thrills and satisfaction.

Many folks are doing their best to reveal as much as they can about Starfield, and Bethesda wants to add to that. Check out the animated anthology Starfield: The Settled Systems and see for yourself. The game is still slated for release on September 6, 2023.

Written by Andrew Smith