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The Sims 4 | How to Invite Sims To Household

The Sims 4 - How to Invite Sims To Household

In The Sims 4, you will eventually want to invite Sims to your household. This mechanic has been in the series for a while, and is crucial to managing funds and ensuring that you keep friends close. However, The Sims 4 did not make household management easy. It is complicated and can take a lot of effort to make work. Let’s walk through the ways that you can invite a Sim to your household in The Sims 4.

How To Invite Sims To Household in The Sims 4

How To Invite Sims To Household in The Sims 4

In order to invite a Sim to your household in The Sims 4, you will need to first improve their friendship until they are about halfway through the meter. This will unlock the “Ask to Join Household” friendly interaction and is thus the easiest way to do it without cheats. You can Merge Households with any Sim that you control to add them to another household you control. Finally, you can simply add a Sim by using cheats and using the “testingcheats true” command on PC to add them to your family.

Sims in the wild will only join your household after a specific amount of friendship is reached. Thankfully, friendship is built through simple tasks like taking pictures or even chatting with them on the computer.

There is another option. If you have the Sims 4: Discover University, you may assign roommates by posting an ad at any computer. This counts as having an additional Sim in your household, but does not give you control over them. They just live with you.

However, if you do not want it to take any time, there is another option. By holding CTRL + Shift + C – or holding all four shoulder buttons on console – you can open the commands menu. Type “testingcheats true” to unlock secret options, such as adding a Sim to a household without improving friendship.

Looking for additional the Sims 4 content? There are a lot of things to do in this game, especially now that it is Free-to-Play!

Written by Andrew Smith