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Top 5 Warzone SMGs To Use for the Final Season

Top 5 Warzone SMGs To Use for the Final Season

Today we’re going to go over the top 5 Warzone SMGs to stack some wins in the final days before Modern Warfare 2!

As the dust settles on the Season 5 reloaded update, the last major update we’ll get for Warzone, we’re left with a wide-open meta for both short and long-range guns.

These SMGs are picked based on reliability, ease of use, pick percentage, and time to kill.

Before we move forward with the future of Call of Duty, let’s take one last look at the present.

YouTube video is clipped from the author’s Twitch channel.

The Cold War Mac-10 starts our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

The Cold War Mac-10 starts our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

If you were on Verdansk in the first few seasons of the cold war integration, then you remember the Mac-10. There are a ton of viable SMGs from Call of Duty: Cold War; The Bullfrog, OTS-9, and MP5 are great options. The Mac-10, however, rises from the ashes for its easy-to-use recoil patterns, good movement speed, and competitive time to kill. This makes it an easy inclusion on our top 5 Warzone SMGs list.

The Attachments

  • Muzzle: Agency Suppressor
  • Barrel: 5.9″ Task Force
  • Magazine: Stanag 53 Round Drum
  • Stock: Raider Stock
  • Laser: Tiger Team Spotlight

Remember to use a blueprint so you can take advantage of the thinner front Iron sight!

The Modern Warfare CX-9 is still a solid SMG

The Modern Warfare CX-9 is still a solid SMG

Its refreshing to be able to put a Modern Warfare gun back on our list of top 5 Warzone SMGs. The most recent update increased headshot and neck damage, as well as the sprint to fire speed, by about 5%. While not the biggest buff, it does bring the CX-9 off the sidelines and into our loadouts again. If you’re tired of the Vanguard metagame or want to show off your Damascus camo again, this is the best choice.

The Attachments

  • Barrel: CX-38s
  • Stock: CX-FR
  • Magazine: 50 Round Drums
  • Under Barrel: Commando Foregrip
  • Rear grip: CX-9 Tac Grip

If you bring this into trios or quads, consider swapping the commando foregrip for sleight of hand!

The Vanguard MP-40 may not be the king of the castle anymore, but it’s still on our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

The Vanguard MP-40 may not be the king of the castle anymore, but it's still on our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

Once the King of Caldera, this SMG showed up everywhere for the first two seasons of Caldera Warzone. While its time in the spotlight has waned, it’s still a solid SMG.

New guns like the Blixen quickly overshadowed the MP-40 in later seasons, but with the recent weapon balancing, the MP-40 is back in the meta!

The build has changed over the last few seasons. Originally, everyone kept the low profile Iron sights to help with their Aim down sight speed, and last season people were experimenting with the Short barrel. Here is the best build you can use today for one of the top 5 Warzone SMGs.

The Attachments

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Krausnick 317mm 04B
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Krausnick 33M Folding
  • Under Barrel: Mark VI Skeletal
  • Magazine: 7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags + Subsonic
  • Rear Grip: Taped Grip
  • Perks: Brace + Quick

The Vanguard Marco 5 helped me break my personal record in Warzone

The Vanguard Marco 5 helped me break my personal record in Warzone

First introduced in the Season 4 update, the Marco 5 struggled to establish itself as a top contender. Since then, it has become one of the top 5 Warzone SMGs you can use today.

It was the first SMG in Warzone’s history to have the Akimbo perk, allowing you to dual-wield a pair of SMGs. (The Akimbo Sykovs don’t count, they are pistols!) Despite all this, the Marco has risen to be my favorite in the meta.

The non-akimbo version is superior as it has more range, and its accuracy is the real deal here.

The Attachments

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Imerito 342mm 04P
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Imerito FR
  • Under Barrel: Mark VI Skeletal
  • Magazine: 8mm Nambu 64 Round Drums + Subsonic
  • Rear Grip: Taped Grip
  • Perks: Momentum + Quick

The Vanguard Armaguerra 43 finishes our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

The Vanguard Armaguerra 43 finishes our list of the Top 5 Warzone SMGs

Finally, we’ve reached the end of our list with the best SMG in the game.

The Arma really does it all. It boasts a super fast time to kill, huge magazine capacity, and super quick movement speed. This is the SMG that quite literally does it all. The recommended build I have below is for a little recoil control, good movement, and aim-down-sight speed.

High-skilled players may want to swap to the strafe speed build. Swap the Under barrel for the SG98 Compact, the Barrel for the Imerito 180mm Short, and the Stock for the Imerito TA Skeletal, and you’ll be zooming side to side breaking your opposition’s aim-assist and tracking. Be warned, though, as this build has a bit more recoil!

The Attachments

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Botti 570mm Precisione
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Imerito SA Folding
  • Under Barrel: Mark VI Skeletal
  • Magazine: 9mm 55 Round Mags + Subsonic
  • Rear Grip: Taped grip
  • Perks: Hardscope Quick

Wrapping Up

And that wraps up our list of the best SMGs to last you until Warzone 2 comes out.

Honorable mention goes to the M1928. Not because it’s secretly good or anything, but Raven has not introduced a blueprint variant of this gun for some reason. This is the only gun in Vanguard to get this treatment. What did the Thompson do wrong!?

Did any of your favorites not make our list? Let us know in the comments below!


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Written by Michael Farrell

IT system admin by day
Twitch streamer by night

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