3 Overhyped Games That Flopped on Release Day

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Have you ever just gotten really excited for a game to be released only to be disappointed? Sometimes hyping games up too much leads to bigger downfalls as expectations are not met and the end-product gets review bombed for not living up to expectations.

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These games don’t even need to be riddled with glitches and poor gameplay, sometimes they’re just not what gaming enthusiasts were expecting.

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ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES The only downer in the entire Aliens franchise that was marketed as a sequel to the well-made film. The game seemingly felt unfinished and uninspiring, especially when compared to previous games of the Alien franchise.

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The one issue that stood out was the enemy A.I. that didn’t acknowledge the protagonist at all or would remain stationary. The AI marines would also do some stupid things that would leave you frustrated and dead.

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ANTHEM A game that was way overhyped, being labeled as a ‘Destiny killer’ and a ‘game to rival Mass Effect.’ It was a dud from day one, which is a sad sight to see after being hyped up so much. Anthem was supposed to be the next looter shooter addiction that was unique with an intriguing storyline.

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Sadly, what was delivered was a repetitive, boring, and tedious game instead. The game did not live up to expectations and is far below other looter shooters like Destiny.

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DUKE NUKEM FOREVER After being stuck in a loop of development hell for years, Duke Nukem Forever was finally released as an underwhelming fail. Fans were filled with disappointment at its release as everyone had expected so much more after years of delays and hype.

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The graphics were old, the gameplay was mediocre and its attempt at humor was borderline offensive rather than funny. Everything that expecting fans thought the game was going to be, turned out to be quite the opposite.

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