Fashion Police Squad: A Fabulous Time

Multiple Blue Rings

It’s a 2.5D game that pays homage to classic video game titles, both figuratively and literally. It does this with the concept that dull people in the world need to be made fabulous through fashion makeovers.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

Only the indie game space could allow a game like this to exist. It’s a self-aware first-person shooter that exudes cleverness in its overall design and writing.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

SLAYING FASHION CRIMES Voltaire has denounced feeding on blood and has decided to sate his hunger through plant life. But, having been cast out from his home, Voltaire has to make it on his own.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

Fashion Police Squad (“FPS” for short) centers on an organization of the same name. Their mission is to fight all fashion crimes across Trendopolis.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

WARDROBE OF WEAPONS Gun combat revolves around a system similar to rock-paper-scissors. Some weapon types will be effective against an enemy type, while others won’t deal any damage.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

This system works both to the benefit and detriment of Fashion Police SquadFirst. First, it prevents being able to mow down a horde of fashion crimes with just one weapon.

Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

THE WRITING IS THE STAR OF THE SHOW Levels are adorned in fashion slang, puns, and play-on-words. I applauded the thoughtfulness and creativity that went into this writing consistently during my playthrough.

Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

As alluded to earlier, Des’ weapons are ingenious fashion references, and most enemy types are exaggerated stereotypes.

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