Kotor Remake Now Worked On by Eastern European Saber Interactive Studio

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Bloomberg is reporting that the KOTOR remake is changing developers. After being delayed indefinitely last month, the highly anticipated Knights of the Old Republic remake will now be led by one of Saber Interactive’s studios in Eastern Europe. 

 Given the troubled nature of the game since its announcement last year, including that Saber Interactive would be assisting Aspyr Media, further delays seem inevitable. Many internally hope to see the game released soon, but that seems highly unlikely.

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Last week, PC Gamer reported that the KOTOR remake might be coming this year. Jason Schreier, who broke both this story and the Knights of the Old Republic delay news, immediately rebuffed it.

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Schreier followed up today’s news, saying, “developer pivots like this are rare and almost always lead to delays. The game is at least two years away from completion, say people familiar. 

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He also joked, saying, “I guess it’s technically true that there won’t be any “material delays” when the game has no release date in the first place.”

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The Embracer Group has recently been on a spending spree.

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