The law is a funny and often nonsensical thing. You can’t legally cross the street in certain situations, but politicians with proprietary information can manipulate the stock market with impunity? That’s the law we know and love!
Children of a certain age will do almost anything their parent says, but they should never do that. Where is the locked plastic security tag on makeup products when you need it?
The public has finally realized that major corporations, including but not limited to BlackRock, are engaged in a game of residential Pac-Man. The corporations are Pac-Man, and homes of any discernable value are the dots to be gobbled up.
Who has more influence over political decisions in the United States? Walmart or the voters who elect the politicians? We all know that answer, and it isn’t the answer it should be.
Nancy Pelosi serves as the prime example, but she’s hardly the only politician who is seemingly using foreknowledge of policy to make personal fortunes in the stock market. D.C. is an insider trading-proof zone.