Mario Kart 8 Tracks Ranked From Worst to Best

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There are a whopping 48 Mario Kart 8 tracks. This amount of depth and content, combined with fantastic gameplay, makes it the best Mario Kart game to date.

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Seeing as the game is still a runaway success almost a decade after its initial release, it may also be the last Mario Kart game to be made. As unfortunate as that would be, it also wouldn’t be the end of the world. Mario Kart 8 is genuinely that good.

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Part of the game’s strength lies within the tracks and circuits that round out its roster. Most are incredibly enjoyable and pleasing; only a handful I groan in response to their selection during online play.

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With that being said, there’s a definitive ranking to be found here, and I’m ready to unveil it. So without further ado, here is, from worst to best, a ranking of all Mario Kart 8 tracks.

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It’s a cruel joke and an abomination of a circuit and absolute chaos in the worst possible way. Baby Park is a concise 7-lap course.

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TOAD’S TURNPIKE Part of what made Toad’s Turnpike so enjoyable was the required weaving in and out of traffic. Especially in reverse, no lead felt safe because a big 18-wheeled semi-truck was waiting for you around the bend.

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WATER PARK Water Park is definitely a circuit designed with beginners and accessibility in mind. It takes place at a water park, but that’s where the fun ultimately ends.

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BONE-DRY DUNES The track weaves through multiple paths constantly, yet fails to make your decisions matter. No matter which way you go, you don’t feel like you’re at an advantage or disadvantage against other racers.

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