Mass Effect Games Ranked From Worst to Best

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Ranking Mass Effect games is hard. They are (mostly) the pinnacle of what video games offer. The original trilogy is a crowning achievement in storytelling, character development, and gameplay.

Buckle up, but not too much, because this is a short list: we’re going over the Mass Effect games ranked from worst to best.

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MASS EFFECT GALAXY Mass Effect Galaxy is the definition of sleaziness. There’s nothing wrong with a mobile spin-off that ties into the anticipated release of a sequel. However, everything is wrong with rushing the game out the door so fast that it makes your head spin.

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MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA Mass Effect Andromeda already had the difficult task of following one of the greatest trilogies ever made. Moving on from beloved characters was always going to be difficult.

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MASS EFFECT LEGENDARY As great as the original Mass Effect is, a much-needed facelift is very welcome. Refined controls make navigating the Mako infinitely better. The improved visuals, however, are a little hit or miss.

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MASS EFFECT 3 Most of Commander Shepard’s finale is a magnificent work of art. The satisfying conclusion of several storylines results in memorable moments throughout the game.

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MASS EFFECT Mass Effect is a magnum opus for a sci-fi RPG. The BioWare magic is present throughout, delivering incredibly memorable characters that seem to grow each time you play through the game.

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BioWare shifted to be less of an RPG and more of a third-person shooter. The (at the time) controversial design change pays off in spades. The same character-building, narrative choices, and storytelling are all present here


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