NeverAwake Review – Face Your Fears

Multiple Blue Rings

The twin-stick shooter is something I often find to be underappreciated. Gameplay is often challenging and enjoyable, but finding the right balance between being overly difficult and a walk in the park is hard.

NeverAwake does an excellent job of finding that balance by presenting two unique approaches to the genre.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

NEVERAWAKE ASKS PLAYERS TO TACKLE THEIR BIGGEST FEARS HEAD-ON You play as a girl as she navigates her way through levels straight out of a surreal horror film. Eventually, you learn that this is just her imagination. The girl is asleep in a hospital bed, unable to wake up.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

As you progress through each level, you realize you’re not battling otherworldly demons. You’re encountering her biggest fears. Vegetables, dogs, schools; these are all the things a young girl fears.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

Throughout the campaign, we look at a glimpse into her life. We learn what this girl deals with, what makes her happy, and her struggles. Before long, I found myself emphasizing with her; everyone had to deal with fears we now deem irrational as adults.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

THE LEVELS IN NEVERAWAKE LOOP UNTIL YOU COMPLETE YOUR OBJECTIVE In this regard, it makes sense that you can’t complete a stage by navigating from point A to point B. That would be the coward’s way out; we’re not supposed to run away from the things that scare us.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

NeverAwake requires players to obtain enough souls to complete each stage. This is done by defeating enemies and capturing their essence. It carries over to boss battles, too.

Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

The result is an experience that now ties into the game’s narrative and results in strategic thinking. You don’t have to deal with the challenging aspects of a stage, instead focusing on ensuring you can complete your tasks.

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