Imagine you are happily living your life on your floating island. You’re all alone in a land with a Westerly wind constantly blowing. The only way to travel is by hot air balloon. Should you leave your home, however, you may never be able to return. You can thank the never changing direction of the wind for that.
Then imagine that a mailman crash lands on your sky island, decides he doesn’t want to be a mailman anymore, and bestows upon you his uniform, airship, and mission to deliver a letter with no address.
You play as Curly, who, for some reason, immediately takes up the offer of becoming a mailman and leaving her home behind with possibly no chance to return.
Wandering around your island home acts as a tutorial for the survival and gathering you will need to do throughout the game. Harvest fruit, refill your water bottle, and find the gas tank before returning to Carto.
To use objects, you open your inventory and drag whatever you need to its correct place. For example, open your inventory to the balloon page to install the gas tank and refuel, then drag the tank into an empty slot.
As you journey onward, you’ll encounter more colorful characters to help, usually by solving environmental puzzles. There’s a bungling smuggler, star-crossed lovers, and a monastery full of hungry monks who worship a massive magpie.
The further you travel, the more stuff you will pick up. This is great for little hoarders like me but not so great for flying an airship, which rises and falls at different speeds depending on weight.