Security Booth: Director’s Cut Review – X-Files in a Toll Booth

Variability is Security Booth's charm. Seven different outcomes can vary wildly. By doing your job successfully, you could open a portal to another dimension or end existence. Relax! All of this depends on your ability to verify license plates and evade a suspicious couple obsessed on your booth.

What’s remarkable about Security Booth is the pacing. Not rushed. Each driver entering a car hears a different dialogue. Random license plates ensure no two runs are alike.

You'll slowly find contextual hints and useful materials. While the astral creatures tormenting you are malicious in appearance, it’s possible to help them if you feel so inclined.

Level 2

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Level 1

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Level 3

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You may say, "Even Five Nights at Freddy's is opaque about secrets." You're right. Many of Security Booth's horror contemporaries offer more varied threats. It's possible to wait for minutes to reach the next branch, despite multiple outcomes.

Level 2

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Level 1

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Level 3

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I'd have rather endings unlocked more side stories like this over the odd cinematic cutscene. Nova Nexus seems promising. It's like SCP and Control with an 80s throwback style. The sound design and voice are really fantastic. Horwood leaves too much unexplored, while not every issue needs to be answered.

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Multiple Blue Rings


At the end of the day, whether or not you’ll get the most out of Security Booth is how much you value a good mystery over repeatedly checking license plates while sitting in a booth. It’s not as complex as Papers Please nor as unpredictable as The Stanley Parable.

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Multiple Blue Rings

It sits in the sweet spot of existential dread with supernatural framing of a literal dead-end job. If that sounds like your kind of horror game, Security Booth: Director’s Cut is live on Steam now.

Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

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