Since the series’ debut, many have wondered what the weirdest Pokémon is. In the distant past, in 1996, Pokémon was created by Satoshi Tajiri as an amalgamation of the words Pocket Monster.
To keep the franchise feeling fresh after all this time, new Pokémon have been introduced steadily, meaning there are now nine generations of monsters and over 1000 different creatures to impose Stockholm Syndrome on.
Let’s begin with a long-derided design choice: a set of car keys you lost on a night out at 22. Klefki is a dual Steel/Fairy type that serves no purpose other than to be mocked.
In the most recent Generation 9 influx of new monsters, it was fairly notable that there were considerably fewer goofy little dudes. However, Game Freak countered this by creating the worst-looking Pokémon of all time in Gholdengo.
This little weirdo comes from Gen 3 and is not only weird but also terrifying. A double whammy of unpleasantness, Sableye has horrible, blank gemstone eyes and a red gemstone instead of a belly button like a wishing troll from the 90s.
I love Blacephalon. This brightly colored Ultra Beast from Generation 7 and the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games, this towering clown-like creature is most notable for getting into what was essentially a dance-off with the other Ultra Beasts in an episode of the anime.
I guess after almost 30 years of creating new and exciting monsters, it’s inevitable that Game Freak would eventually create the tapeworm Pokémon. That makes it a perfect entry for our list of the weirdest Pokémon.