Video Games That Made Us Want To Rage Quit

Multiple Blue Rings

Gamers always love a good challenge, but some video games take it to another level. Sometimes, people get frustrated during specific boss battles. Every now and then, gamers may lose their cool and rage quit.

From brutally difficult old-school games to specific moments that make us pull our hair out, here are the games that made us rage quit, according to Reddit.

Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

CUPHEAD Boss battles range from hard to seemingly impossible. The worst part is that everyone expected the game to be challenging. We were prepared, and its boss battles still kicked our butts.

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Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

ROCKET LEAGUE No matter how much you play Rocket League, there’s no guarantee you’ll be any good at it. In addition to its over-the-top concept of playing soccer with rocket-powered cars, you also have to deal with teammates.

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Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Like Rocket League, League of Legends is a team-oriented game. As a result, you can do nothing about someone who isn’t pulling their weight.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

MARIO KART You can pull off a perfect race, only to be hit with a blue shell, then repeated red shells, and fall to 9th place. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream.

Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

WORLD OF WARCRAFT CLASSIC Players would travel and acquire these world buffs before safely logging out of the game. However, some griefers would do what they could to remove the buffs, whether through abilities or killing players.

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Multiple Blue Rings
Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

CRASH BANDICOOT The platformer was known for its beautiful style, presentation, and difficulty, which made us want to smash a PlayStation 2 with a hammer. Even the most recent Crash Bandicoot game, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, is brutally difficult to the point of causing players to rage quit.

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