Xbox Series S Surprisingly Wins the Black Friday Console Wars

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The holiday season has traditionally been a huge time for the gaming industry and this year has been proven to be no different.

The most popular gaming console usually emerges around Black Friday, the enormous day of in-store and online shopping.

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A study of, “over one trillion visits to U.S. retail sites,” was performed by Business Insider and Adobe. The series S came out on top.

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Series S's pricing is a big plus. While the console isn't as powerful as the Series X or PS5, it costs $300.

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This is attractive both to parents looking to save following the pandemic and part-time gamers who are looking to get back into the action.

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This is also a sign that gamers are hyped to play Xbox exclusive games.

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Forza Horizon 5 was just recently released and so far has received incredible reviews.

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