The absolutely chilling sequel to Subnautica, Subnautica Below Zero, has just released to the masses. It seems that the ocean is going to be just one of the biomes for you to explore in this title, and that means that there might be even more to do than ever before. That being said, the original game is one of the best reasons to get Xbox Game Pass. So the question remains; is Subnautica Below Zero going to be on the Xbox Game Pass?
Will Subnautica Below Zero Be On Xbox Game Pass?
Right now, no, Subnautica Below Zero is not on the Xbox Game Pass. While the previous game in the series is available on the service, it seems that the sequel has not made its way there quite yet. That is fairly standard for most on-release games, allowing developers to make some direct money from the product before handing it over to Game Pass. If you’re waiting for Below Zero to arrive on the subscription service, you may have to wait for a while, as there is no news on when or if it’ll launch on the service.
That being said, because Subnautica made it, Below Zero has a decent chance of finding its way onto Game Pass. They are each so similar to one another that hopefully it will not take longer than a year before the game makes its way over to Xbox’s popular game streaming service.
Subnautica Below Zero is out now on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series S|X, Nintendo Switch, and PC. This game is a large expansion of the concepts of the first game, but now with more concern about hyperthermia as you explore a tundra planet. If you were a fan of the first game, Subnautica Below Zero is more of the same, but with some pretty fantastic additions that make it its own game. If you haven’t played either game before, the original Subnautica might be a better place to start.