After you finish the cutscene in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll find yourself in The Great Sky Island. In order to leave and find Zelda, you’ll have to open the Temple of Time, which will require you to complete all four of the Great Sky Island Shrines.

As you find and complete the Shrines, you’ll unlock new abilities that will help you as you explore the game. There are a total of four Shrines on Great Sky Island:
- Ukuoh Shrine
- In-Isa Shrine
- Gutanbac Shrine
- Nachoya Shrine
Once you complete them all, you’ll be able to open the door inside the Temple of Time and continue your search for Princess Zelda.
The First: Ukuoh Shrine
The first shrine in Tears of the Kingdom is called the Ukuoh Shrine and it is located west of the Temple of Time. Completing it will unlock the Ultrahand ability, which will allow you to move items around with your hand.
Where to Find the First Shrine

After visiting the Temple of Time, Rauru will tell you that to open the doors, you’ll need to restore the power to your hand by visiting and completing the Great Sky Island Shrines.
To get to the Ukuoh Shrine, head down the stairs to the right. Be sure the climb down the wall instead of jumping down. I jumped down like a dummy and took some significant fall damage.
Once you’re in the grass, head toward the Ukuoh Shrine until you reach the stairs. Climb the walls to get across the gaps and eventually, you’ll make it to the top.
How to Complete the Ukuoh Shrine

Once inside, Rauru will explain the purpose of the Shrines and give you the Ultrahand ability.
Now that you have The Ability to Create, you’ll need to practice with it to get through the first of the Great Sky Island Shrines.
For the first puzzle, select the board with your Ultrahand and place it across the gap. Be sure to rotate it so that it goes all the way across.
To get across the second gap in the Ukuoh Shrine, you’ll need to attach the two boards together. Simply lay them down next to each other and press A to attach them.
Rotate it so that it lays across the gap and head across. As soon as you get across, you’ll see a chest on a ledge in the back corner. Prop the boards up against the wall and climb it to get the chest. You’ll find some Amber inside.
To solve the last Ukuoh Shrine puzzle, you’ll need to attach the hook to the wood and then hook it to the rail. Make sure it’s oriented so that the hook is sitting straight up.
Expert Tip: You’ll need to get on the plank quickly after hooking it to the rail or it’ll leave you behind. If that happens, you can drop down into the gap and pull it back with Ultrahand and try again.
Once you’re successfully across you’ll get a Light of Blessing and will have beaten the first Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom.
The Second: In-Isa Shrine
The second shrine in Tears of the Kingdom is called the In-Isa Shrine and it is located in the southwest portion of Great Sky Island. Completing it will unlock the Fuse ability, which will allow you to attach items to your weapons.
Where to Find the Second Shrine

From the Ukuoh Shrine, hop off the ledge into the water and use your Ultrahand ability to build bridges across the gaps.
Eventually, you’ll come across a pile of logs that you’ll need to connect to get across the gap.
As you get close to the In-Isa Shrine, you’ll need to attach another board and hook and use it to ride the rail to the next area.
Eventually, you’ll see a big body of water. Attach a few logs together and then place the sail on top and use it to get across the water.
Once across, head up the stairs until you reach the In-Isa Shrine.
How to Complete the In-Isa Shrine

As you head inside the second of the Great Sky Island Shrines, you’ll be given the Fuse ability. This will allow you to attach items to a weapon and enhance its abilities.
Now it’s time to test out the Ability to Combine. Grab the sword on your right and use the Fuse ability to attach one of the boulders. Then, swing it at the rock wall to bust it down.
In the next room in the In-Isa Shrine, you’ll see a chest on the left side pillar. Swing the boulder at it to get some Arrows.
Next, you’ll find a room full of Fire Fruit. After you pick it, you’ll be prompted to attach it to an arrow that you can shoot. This part took me a second to get the hang of, but it’s super cool.
Draw your arrow back and then press up on the D-Pad and select the Fire Fruit. Then, shoot it at the brush on the wall to knock the chest down and get the key needed to unlock the door.
Once the door is unlocked inside the second of the Great Sky Island Shrines, you’ll have to fight a Construct before you can complete the In-Isa Shrine.
The Construct will attack you with a boulder on a long stick, so you’ll want to use the Fuse ability to attach an item to your shield to enhance your defense.
Alternatively, you can just attack it and dodge its shots until it dies. That’s what I did and it was fairly easy.
Once the Construct has been defeated, you’ll be able to get the Light of Blessing and will have completed the second Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom.
The Third: Gutanbac Shrine
The third shrine in Tears of the Kingdom is called the Gutanbac Shrine and it is located on the east side of Great Sky Island. Completing it will unlock the Ascend ability, which will allow you to pass through walls and easily climb things.
Where to Find the Third Shrine

Once you come out of the cave to the right of the In-Isa Shrine, you’ll have to cross a large body of water.
Speak to the Maker Construct and it will explain how to use Zonai Devices. In this case, specifically, you’ll learn to use the fan.
You’ll need to use your Ultrahand ability that you got from the first of Great Sky Island Shrine to attach some logs together to make a raft. Then, attach the fan to the raft and angle it so that the breeze pushes the raft towards the island.
Once the fan is in place, hit it with your weapon and it’ll push the raft across the water.
Now that you’re across, follow the path and it’ll lead you to a mining cave. You can put a cart and fan on the mine tracks to get into the cave quickly, or you can just run in.
Expert Tip: I used the cart and fan, but I missed out on a lot of resources so and had to circle back. So I’d suggest just running through it.
Use Brightbloom Seeds to see inside the cave. Be sure to destroy the black rocks and collect a lot of Zonaite while you’re in there.
Toward the end of the cave, you’ll learn how to use the Forge and can trade your Zonaite for some valuable items.
When you’re done exploring, use a cart and fan to leave the cave and continue towards the Gutanbac Shrine.
Continue forward until you see the Device Dispenser. Learn how to use it and then go left until you run into the Pit Cave.
Inside, you’ll be able to cook some Spicy Peppers that’ll act as Frost Protection for the snowy mountain above. You’ll want to have about 5-10 minutes of protection to get to the third of the Great Sky Island Shrines.
Go through the cave until you come out on the snowy mountain and make your way toward the Gutanbac Shrine. You’ll be able to see the third Great Sky Island Shrine by looking ahead into the sky.
Defeat or sneak past the Construct and head into the Bottomless Cave. Work your way through the cave until you must enter into the cold again.
Make sure you eat some food with Frost Protection and then start climbing the roots directly outside of the cave.
Once you reach the top you’ll find the third Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom.
How to Complete the Gutanbac Shrine

Once inside the third of the Great Sky Island Shrines, you’ll be given the Ascend ability. This will allow you to move upward through solid material and emerge on top of it.
Move underneath the first platform, look up, then Ascend to the top.
Do the same thing in the next room. If you’re not in a hurry, there is a chest on top of the smaller pillar that will give you a Stone Axe.
Once you’re on top of the next platform in the Gutanbac Shrine, destroy the boxes on your right and move underneath the platform. Then Ascend to the top and open the chest to get a Construct Bow.
Hop down and then shoot or cut the ropes to drop down the platform. Then, Ascend on top of it.
Next, you’ll need to practice timing your Ascension by getting on top of the moving platform. I thought this was going to be difficult, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly.
Once you reach the top, you’ll get the Light of Blessing and will have completed the third Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom.
After you finish, you’ll need to head back to the Temple of Time. However, before you do that, you’ll want to grab the Archaic Warm Greaves so you don’t have to use Frost Protection next time you’re in the cold.
To get them, when you exit the Shrine, you’ll see a tree-stump-looking cave entrance. Head that way and Ascend to the top of the platform.
Walk inside and you’ll find the Archaic Warm Greaves located inside a chest. Now that you’re equipped for cold weather in the future, you can head back to the Temple of Time.
The Fourth: Nachoya Shrine (Hidden)
The fourth Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom is called the Nachoya Shrine and can only be reached once you have the Ascend and Recall ability. Completing it will require the Recall ability, which allows you to reverse the movement of specific objects. You will also receive the fourth Light of Blessing which is needed to open the door in the Temple of Time.
Where to Find the Fourth Shrine

After you try to open the second set of doors in the Temple of Time, you’ll learn that you’re not yet strong enough and will need to complete one final Shrine.
Thankfully, you can now Fast Travel to any of the Great Sky Island Shrines that you’ve previously completed, along with a few other locations.
So, open up your map and Fast Travel to the Room of Awakening and you’ll see some gears on your left.
Move underneath the platform and Ascend to the top. Then, use your Recall ability to make the gears go in opposite directions.
For whatever reason, I had a hard time with this. So don’t get frustrated if it takes you a minute to figure out.
Once across, follow the hidden path until you reach the Nachoya Shrine.
How to Complete the Nachoya Shrine

Once inside the final of the Great Sky Island Shrines, you’ll need to practice the Ability to Rewind.
Highlight the floating platform and rewind it so that it moves in the opposite direction.
Once across, repeat the process for the next platform until you’re on top of the waterfall.
If you want to grab an extra chest, Rewind the gear and you’ll find some Arrows inside the chest.
Jump back down then use Rewind on the rotating arms to open up the gate in the Nachoya Shrine. You’ll need to use it when both hands are together to lower the gate.
After you do that, you’ll receive your fourth and final Light of Blessing from The Great Sky Island Shrines.
How to Leave Great Sky Island
Now that you’ve completed all four of the Great Sky Island Shrines, head back to the Temple of Time and interact with the Goddess Statue and exchange four Light of Blessing for an extra heart.
With the extra strength, you’ll be able to open up the door and leave Great Sky Island.