BossLevelGamer believes that all headlines and stories should be rigorously vetted for accuracy. Our headlines must explain what each story is about and must not mislead readers.

When we report on leaks, rumors, or data-mined information we clearly note that certain pieces of content is still subject to further clarification or validation. We clearly note confirmed versus unconfirmed information at all times.

Our headlines also provide clearly defined notices if the information is presented from surveys and other data sources and/or if a specific piece of content is opinion-based.

Checking for Official Comment

When unsubstantiated rumors are presented online, BossLevelGamer makes every effort possible to reach out to official sources to confirm the news. Our outreach included contacting major developers, publishers, studios, and PR firms.

If no comment is given at the time of publication, we will note the lack of a comment. If a comment is given after publication, an update is immediately added to the article and our social accounts provide an update to readers urging them to see the update in the original article.

If you believe content on BossLevelGamer is false, please email our Editor-In-Chief at