
How to Catch Humboldt Squid in Dave the Diver

Dave the Diver Diving Suit
Image Credit: Mintrocket.

The Blue Hole is home to various sea creatures that can harm Dave the Diver while he’s out on his underwater expeditions. One such creature that especially comes to mind is the red-colored Humboldt Squid. It’s a lonesome yet aggressive cephalopod that can snatch onto Dave with its menacing tentacles, causing damage in the process. Of course, Dave can capture the marine animal once he knows how to correctly tackle it underwater.

That’s why we’re looking to find ways to catch the Humboldt Squid in Dave the Diver, which can used for a couple of recipes at the Bancho Sushi restaurant. But before Bancho and the restaurant’s staff members can get cooking, players must locate and capture the squid in question.

How to Catch the Humboldt Squid

Dave the Diver Humboldt Squid
Image Credit: Mintrocket.

Dave the Diver players can get their hands on a Humboldt Squid using a crafted Tranquilizer Rifle, a randomly generated Tranquilizer Harpoon, or an Enhanced Hush Dart. Experimenting with one of these three weapons will cause the rank eight squid to fall asleep, giving Dave the window to activate the Salvage Drone to retrieve the creature. The 7.5kg sea animal can be located by exploring the Blue Hole Medium Depths at night, 50-130m below the surface level.

Players can acquire the Salvage Drone after receiving the Tuna Party announcement, where additional items will be available via the Cobra Shop. The drone can then reclaim certain large fish on further diving adventures.

Dave will need upgraded equipment if players are interested in diving farther into the depths of the Blue Hole. Specifically, his Diving Suit will need advancements as players progress through Dave the Diver. Furthermore, Night Diving must also be available, though this naturally occurs as players progressively complete the game’s missions. Thus, players must go through the Chapter 2 mission, “A Noisy Customer,” to unlock the Night Diving feature.

Coming into contact with the Humboldt Squid may cause the creature to latch onto Dave and attack. A button prompt will appear, where players must spam the attack to break free from the squid’s grasp. Once Dave retreats after a quick time event, the squid will discharge poison that can damage Dave. To avoid critical damage, players can use the Eco Potion Resist Bracelet to provide resistance.

Expert Tip

Chances are good that players are searching for the Humboldt Squid for the Bancho VIP mission “Bancho’s Ordeal? Pasta Contest!” The challenge requires Dave to collect the squid and Garlic, Wheat, and White Shrimp. If players are in a rush, they can always search through the supply crates in the Blue Hole to obtain rarer items that can help them quickly catch creatures, including the Sleepy Toy Hammer.

Tools to Tranquilize

Dave the Diver Night Time with Boat
Image Credit: Mintrocket.

The three items mentioned above that Dave can use are all obtained in different ways. For reference, the Tranquilizer Harpoon can easily be found in one of the many supply crates. The other two items will require materials for Dave to assemble.

For the Tranquilizer Rifle, players will need the following items:

  • Basic Underwater Rifle (x1)
  • Cuttlefish Skin Fragments (x3)
  • Fragments (x15)

As for the Enhanced Hush Dart, players must craft the Modified variant. For this, they’ll need these materials:

  • Enhanced Hush Dart (x1)
  • Coral Orb (x1)
  • Vampire Squid Tentacle (x3)
  • 20 Topaz
  • 3,400 Gold

Whenever you’re ready to serve the squid at the restaurant, Dave’s employees can cook up two sushi recipes: Humboldt Squid Sushi and Humdbolt Ink Pasta. The former meal needs only the squid, while the other recipe requires the ingredients mentioned in the Bancho VIP mission above. This will follow along with the “Let Us Begin the Contest” VIP mission, where players assume the role of Bancho.

With the Humboldt Squid now discovered and served, Dave can interact with other cephalopods in the Blue Hole as he dives in for more adventures.


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Written by C Anthony Rivera

Writer from Chicago, occasionally appears as a background actor in film and TV. Always looking for new places to eat pizza.

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