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How big is the Death Stranding map?

How big is the Death Stranding map

Death Stranding has been described as more of a work of cinematography rather than a video game, especially by fans of Hideo Kokima and related developers and studios. Fans of the much awaited release have clamored towards the world that Kojima and team have built. It’s a vast and desolate plane, full of unknown wonders with oddities galore. Because it is so vast, some players are wondering, how big is the Death Stranding map?

Death Stranding Map Size | How big is the map?

How big is the Death Stranding map

Released just recently, Death Stranding has been garnering the attention of a huge crowd of PlayStation players and gaming fanatics. Marketed as a distinct experience from traditional game formats, and accruing the attention of other pop culture outlets (cough Rick and Morty cough), players everywhere are wondering what the game has in store. 

Specifically, players seems to be wondering how big the Death Stranding map actually is? It seems to be broken down into three different regions, which are detailed in our map size guide below.

Eastern Region Map

The eastern region of the Death Stranding map is pretty much the starting region. Players can readily and easily discard it as the starting region, because that’s effectively what it is. It takes roughly half an hour to navigate across. It’s slightly mountainous, with some grasslands and low level enemies around to break up the monotony. 

Central Region Map

The central region of Death Stranding is where most of the game takes place. It’s a vast area, and encapsulates much of the events from the third to eight episodes of the game. Players can expect to trek through grasslands and taigas through here. It’s many orders of magnitude larger than the starting region, the Eastern region. Overall, it requires a trek of almost an hour to navigate across, on foot without assistance. 

Western Region Map

The western region of Death Stranding map can be reached in the ninth act of the game. It is certainly the smallest of the Death Stranding regions and will take the least amount of time to explore. 

The launch of Death Stranding has been an enigma in and of itself. Fans of the developer, Hideo Kojima, stand by its release filled with ambiguities. Its release has been met with mixed reactions thus far, and only time will tell if it lives up the the Kojima name.

Written by Andrew Smith