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Grounded Split Screen | How to Play With Friends

Grounded Split Screen Play With Friends

Exploring the unknowns of the backyard can be a bit scary in Grounded and will be much easier if you’re playing with a friend. With a lot of survival games, there is a split screen option that will allow players to team up and work together in an attempt to survive. So how does split screen work in Grounded?

Does Grounded Have Split Screen Play?

Unfortunately, there is no split screen play available in Grounded. While this does mean that you cannot play the game together on the same system as a friend, the game does support online play, meaning you can play with a friend as long as they’re on a different system than you. Further, Grounded supports cross-play between Xbox and PC, so even if you’re friend is on a different platform, you’ll still be able to join forces.

If you want to invite a friend to your game in Grounded, simply head to the main menu and select the multiplayer option. From there you’ll be able to “Host Online Game” from a new or existing save. When the lobby is set up, a friend can go to the “Join Online Game” via the multiplayer menu and use the “Search in Friends” feature to find the game that you set up, assuming you are friends on your Xbox or PC. Further, it’s worth noting that you can only play with a friend if you’re in a multiplayer game, as single-player mode won’t allow you to play with a friend.

While the process above may sound a bit confusing, it’s not bad once you figure it out. Further, it’s been confirmed that an invite feature will be added to the game at a later date, which should make the process much simpler. It’s unclear when that feature will be added, but since the game was just released into Early Access, it could be a little bit.

Now that you know how split screen works in Grounded, you and three friends can take on the backyard together! However, before you venture out into the unknown, be sure to check out some of our other guides.

Good luck!

Written by Andrew Smith