You’ll be tasked to escape the Ferry Deck, but where is the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall? Redfall is finally out, and things aren’t looking too good. AI is all over the place, and the gameplay feels outdated, but the story is pretty great for the most part. Co-op seems like the only plus point. As you go through the campaign, you’ll likely find yourself stuck in the Dead In the Water Mission in Redfall. So, how do you escape the ferry? Well, you need to find the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall.
To Find the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall, go through the second ferry entrance and pick up the handgun. Climb the stairs opposite the green car. Shoot the windows and vault to the deck. Jump down through the hatch, and you’ll find the Ferry Deck Key dangling off a dead ship worker.
How to Get the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall?

To escape the Ferry in Redfall, you’ll be tasked with finding the Ferry Key. Make your way to the bottom of the ferry. Turn left through the first down and climb down the stairs. Make sure to use the first aid box to heal yourself on your way out. Retrace your steps and climb down the last flight of stairs.

Crawl out of the small opening, and you’ll find a large tidal wave that’s not going anywhere. Apparently, the vampires in Redfall have used some ancient esoteric magic to prevent survivors from escaping via boat and ferry. Hence, bodies of water have turned solid. Move ahead, and you’ll find an entrance to another part of the ferry. There, you’ll find a handgun in the driver’s seat of a green car.

As you look right, you’ll find another flight of stairs to climb. Finally, you’ll make it to the deck of the ferry. Make sure to shoot open the windows and climb onto the deck. Head right to find a hatch. Jump down through it, and you’ll find the Ferry Deck Key attached to an orange lanyard. That’s pretty much it on how to get the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall.

Open the door in front of you and climb the set of stairs. Next to the restroom, you’ll find the door to the Ferry Deck. Use the key and make your way to the deck. As a bonus, you’ll find the Gultch Semi-Automatic Shotgun right at your feet.
That’s all you need to know about getting the Ferry Deck Key in Redfall. It’s pretty straightforward after you pick up a handgun, shoot through the windows, and find it in the hatch on the upper deck.