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Monster Hunter World Flying Wyverns | Where to Find

Howdy hunters, you probably found your way here because you are looking for more information regarding Flying Wyverns in Monster Hunter WorldI’m pleased to say you are in the right place if that is the case! In this guide, we will go over where to find MHW Flying Wyverns and which monsters count.

What is a Flying Wyvern

MHW Flying Wyverns

To start, the first thing you need to know about Flying Wyverns in Monster Hunter World is that they are large bipedal creatures that have two wings. They also are called True Wyverns, but not all Wyverns fall into this category. Specifically, some Wyverns fall into the category of being a Flying Wyvern but do not display the full traits of the species.

Examples of this would be The Tixrex and Nargacuga; these Wyverns, unlike the traditional bipedal ones, walk on four legs and use their wing arms as forearms.  Some Wyverns are even flightless but are still in the Flying Wyvern family. Examples of these Wyverns would be the Ukanlos and Akantor from the previous games.

All Monster Hunter World Flying Wyverns

Ok, so now that you have a general understanding of how to determine if a creature is a Flying Wyvern, lets now going over the full list of which creatures in Monster Hunter World fall into the Flying Wyvern category. Below is a full list of all MHW Flying Wyverns.

  • Bazelgeuse
  • Seething Bazeleuse
  • Rathalos
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Rathian
  • Pink Rathian
  • Gold Rathian
  • Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Legiana
  • Shrieking Legiana
  • Paolumu
  • NightShade Paolumu
  • Tigrex
  • Nargacuga
  • Barjoth

If you keep reading, you’ll find some more specific details on each of these Flying Wyverns, including where they can be found.

Where to Find Flying Wyverns


Monster Hunter World Bazelgeuse

First up on our list of MHW Flying Wyverns is the Bazelgeuse, or “B52 Bomber” as called by the community. It is one of the largest high-rank Flying Wyverns in the game. Bazelgeuse is also a nomadic Apex Level monster and will seek out and start Turf Wars with other monsters in the game, similar to the infamous Deviljho.

The B52 Bomber will always appear when the player attacks a high-rank monster and will start a Turf War with that monster (we recommend using a flying a dung pod at it to get rid of it).

As for appearances, they are large and have heavy bulky scales all over their body that heat up and explode (the Bazelgeuse will occasionally do flybys and drop their scales next to the player, thus where the nickname comes from).

  • Element: Fire
  • Ailments: Fireblight
  • Element Weakness : 2 Thunder, 3 Dragon
  • Aliment Weakness: 3 Stun, 2 Sleep, 2 Paralysis
  • Location: Everywhere (You can not hide from The B52 Bomber :()
  • Resistances: Fire
  • Variant: Seething Bazelgeuse


Monster Hunter World Rathalos

Ratholos or “Kings of the Skies” are one of the most iconic monsters of the series along with their female counterpart Rathian, as both appear in every single Monster Hunter game. Ratholos more or less look like a fantasy dragon in appearances and are red with large scales and spiked tails. They also have poisonous talons on their feet and a flame sack that helps them produce flaming projectiles from their mouth.

Ratholos Flying Wyverns are commonly found in the Ancient Forest in both high rank and low rank expeditions and Hunts.

  • Element: Fire
  • Ailments: Stun, Poison
  • Element Weakness: 2 Thunder, 3 Dragon
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Sleep, 2 Paralysis, 3 Stun
  • Location: Ancient Forest
  • Resistances: Fire,
  • Variant:  Azure Rathalos, Sliver Rathalos

Azure Rathalos

MHW Flying Wyverns

The Azure Rathalos is a subspecies of Rathalos and shares all the same physical traits and characteristics of the main species. It mostly differs in its blue appearance instead of red, and it is more aggressive than the normal Rathalos. It also has higher attack power, stamina, and health.

The Azure, unlike the man species, can also be found in both the Ancient Forest and Elder’s Recess during high-rank expeditions and Hunts.

  • Element: Fire
  • Ailments: Stun, Poison
  • Element Weakness: 2 Ice, 3 Dragon
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Sleep, 2 Paralysis, 2 Stun
  • Resistances: Fire, Thunder, Water
  • Location: Ancient Forest, Elder’s Recess


Monster Hunter World Rathian

Rathian, as previously mentioned, is the female version of the Ratholos and is similar in looks to her male counterpart. They are green in appearance and have a large club-like tail that can shoot out poison needles.

In combat, she shoots fire projectiles similar to Rathlos but more rapidly and will shoot poison needles at Hunters. Rathian is commonly found in the Ancient Forest and Wild Spire Waste during high and low-rank expeditions and hunts.

  • Element: Fire
  • Ailments: Poison
  • Element Weakness: 2 Thunder, 3 Dragon
  • Aliment Weakness: 3, Stun, 2 Sleep, 2 Paralysis
  • Location: Ancient Forest, WildSpire Waste
  • Resistances: Fire,
  • Variant: Pink Rathian, Gold Rathian

Pink Rathian

MHW Flying Wyverns

The Pink Rathian is a sub-species of Rathian and like the Azure Rathalos, differs from the main with more armor, attack power, health, and stamina. Pink Rathians are found in both the Wild Spire Waste and Coral Highlands during high-rank expeditions and Hunts.

  • Element: Fire
  • Ailments: Poison
  • Element Weakness: 2 Thunder, 3 Dragon
  • Aliment Weakness: 3, Stun, 2 Sleep, 2 Paralysis
  • Resistances: Fire,
  • Location: WildSpire Waste, Coral Highlands


Monster Hunter World Diablos

Diablos is a large Flying Wyvern with armor plating all over its body and is easily distinguished by two large horns. Diablos doesn’t have any elements but uses brute force to crush other monsters and hunters.

The monster tends to burrow into the ground to burst up and attack unsuspecting foes, it also has a powerful roar that temporarily stuns Hunters. Diablos can be found wandering around in the Wild Spire Waste during high and low-rank expeditions and hunts.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: None
  • Element Weakness: 3 Ice,  2 Water
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Paralysis, 2 Poison, 2 Sleep, 2 Blast
  • Location: Wild Spire Waste
  • Resistances: Fire, Dragon
  • Variant:  Black Diablos

Black Diablos

Monster Hunter World Black Diablos

Black Diablos are female Diablos but are far more aggressive than the males. They are black due to the immense amount of heat they can produce. They do this to signal to other monsters that they are aggressive and hostile, as they are one of the most aggressive Flying Wyverns in MHW.

They are usually found in the desert biome and are highly territorial. They will even attack members of their own species if they dare enter her territory. Black Diablos can be found guarding their territory in the Wild Spire Waste during high and low-rank expeditions and Hunts.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: None
  • Element Weakness : 3 Ice,  2 Water
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Paralysis, 2 Poison, 2 Sleep, 2 Blast
  • Location: WildSpire Waste
  • Resistances: Fire, Dragon


Monster Hunter World Legiana

Next up on our list of MHW Flying Wyvern is the Legiana, these are navy blue slim Flying Wyverns that are commonly found in the highest peaks of the Coral Highlands. They have antenna-like fins and leaf-like wings with a thin membrane on the back of their neck, which enables them to move at fast speeds.

Legiana’s also have powerful piercing talons on the ends of its legs, which can deal a lot of damage to its enemies. In combat, the Legiana shoots chilling ice projectiles at the player and slices them with their talons. Legiana’s are usually found in the Coral Highlands location.

  • Element: Ice
  • Ailments: Iceblight
  • Element Weakness: 2 Thunder, 3 Ice
  • Aliment Weakness:  2 Sleep, 3 Paralysis, 2 Blast, 2 Stun
  • Location: Coral Highlands
  • Resistances: Ice
  • Variant: Shrieking Legiana


Monster Hunter World Paolumu

Paolumu are bat-like Wyverns with white fur covering most of their bodies with some patches of brown. They can inflate like a balloon to attack foes from above using special sacs in their bodies. They are also known to eat eggs found in the Coral Highlands and are also known to be floating around during high and low-rank expeditions and hunts.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: None
  • Element Weakness : 3 Fire, 2 Thunder
  • Aliment Weakness:  3 Sleep, 2 Blast, 2 Stun
  • Location: Coral Highlands
  • Resistances: Water
  • Variant:  NightShade Paolumu

NightShade Paolumu

Monster Hunter World NightShade Paolumu

Like normal Paolumu, NightShade Paolumu also resembles a bat and inflates similarly into a ball. However, where they differ is that these subspecies of Paolumu now cause sleep damage and are also more aggressive.

They are also dark green and can appear in the WildSpire Waste, Ancient Forest,  and Guiding Lands. Speaking of the Guiding Lands, if you need help with the MHW Big Burly Bash quest, be sure to check out our guide.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: Sleep
  • Element Weakness :  3 Water, 2 Fire
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Poison, 2 Paralysis, 2 Blast, 2 Stun
  • Locations: Ancient Forest, WildSpire Waste, Guiding Lands
  • Resistances: Dragon


Monster Hunter World Tigrex

Tigrex is a large Wyvern that walks on all four legs and is yellow with blue stripes. It also has a quite notable massive head that is similar to a T-REX, except this creature loves to jump around and cause mayhem with brute force damage.

Tigrex is extremely fast and loves to roar to intimidate would-be foes. Tigrex’s can be found in all locations in the game during both high-rank expeditions and hunts.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: Fireblight
  • Element Weakness : 3 Water, 2 Thunder
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Poison, 2 Paralysis, 2 Blast, 2 Stun, Sleep
  • Locations: Everywhere
  • Resistances: Fire


Monster Hunter World Nargacuga

Naragcuga’s are a strange cross between a bat and a black panther, they have black fur, scales, and prefer jungle climates. They love to stalk opponents using stealth and shoot spires out from their tail to pierce unsuspecting prey.

The Naragcuga can also attack with almost every part of their body and tends to cause bleeding damage. They are also known to stalk the Ancient Forest and Coral Highlands.

  • Element: None
  • Ailments: Bleeding
  • Element Weakness : 3 Thunder, 2 Fire
  • Aliment Weakness: 2 Poison, 2 Paralysis, 2 Blast, 2 Stun, Sleep
  • Locations: Ancient Forest, Coral Highlands
  • Resistances: Water


Monster Hunter World Barjoth

Barioths are large quadrupedal Flying Wyverns that are similar in appearance to sabertooth tigers. They have large tusks, are highly territorial, and can move extremely fast to attack any hunter that wonder’s into their domain. They can be found in the Hoarfrost Reach.

  • Element: Ice
  • Ailments: Iceblight
  • Element Weakness : 3 Fire, 2 Thunder
  • Aliment Weakness:  2 Poison, 2 Paralysis, 2 Blast, 2 Stun
  • Location: Hoarfrost Reach
  • Resistances: Ice, Iceblight, Dragon

This will conclude our in-depth rundown of all the MHW Flying Wyverns. Hopefully you now have a better idea of where to find them and how to hunt them. Happy hunting!

Written by Andrew Smith