With the surprising success of Amazon’s New World many gamers are chomping at the bit to transfer to different servers so they can play with friends whose guilds are scattered across the fledgling platform.
Unfortunately, Amazon’s promise to allow for such transfers in a week’s time has come and gone. On a positive note, the company says the delay is caused because the tech needed to handle the transfers has not met the company’s release standards. We can appreciate Amazon wanting to get it right on the first go.
Once ready, New World players will be able to take advantage of free server transfers.
Following Amazon’s tweet, they released more info about what will and won’t transfer via an official community post:
What comes with me when I transfer?
- You will keep all character progression (level, weapon mastery, titles, etc.).
- You will keep your Faction alliance and progress
- You will keep your inventory and storage.
- You will keep all of your currency.
- You will keep your houses and housing decorations.
- You will keep all quest progress.
What does not transfer with my character?
- Your Company membership needs to be terminated before transferring, and will not carry over.
- Active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders must be removed and will not carry over.
- Your friends list is world specific and will not transfer.
Transfers will be allowed if the server is not already full and the players you want to engage with are in your region.
If you want to transfer after the initial move New World will require a transfer token which can be purchased in the store.
Server issues are being resolved and that’s a good sign for players and this newest step, once available, should help alleviate any future issues with game congestion.