Electronic Arts confirmed today that they are currently working on three Star Wars video games. One is the often rumored sequel to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order from Respawn Entertainment. We expect that game to release later this year.
Speaking of Respawn, the press release from EA indicates that they are heading the development of all three titles.
“Vince Zampella, Group GM and Founder of Respawn, will oversee this new phase of EA’s relationship with Lucasfilm, building on Respawn’s award-winning history in game development and expertise in telling compelling Star Wars stories.”
In addition to the Fallen Order sequel, or “Star Wars Jedi,” as EA calls it, a first-person shooter is being led by Peter Hirschmann. Hirschmann has a long list of credits for the Star Wars franchise, including the original Battlefront titles. He also saw work as a producer for some of the original Medal of Honor games.
The third Star Wars title is being developed with help from the newly formed Bit Reactor. Respawn will act as a producer for the confirmed strategy title. Based on the background of Bit Reactor, we expect this to be a turn-based strategy game.
Lucasfilm Games and Walt Disney Games seem to be all-in on their relationships with EA and Respawn Entertainment for the Star Wars gaming franchises. Both Sean Shoptaw, SVP of Walt Disney Games, and Douglas Reilly, VP at Lucasfilm Games, spoke highly of their relationship with Respawn. Given the reception of Fallen Order, this isn’t a surprise in the least. It’s exciting, too, to see these companies embrace both the single-player and turn-based strategy genres over churning out more live service titles.
As mentioned earlier, we expect to see the Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order sequel later this year. It sounds like work has just begun for the other two titles, so they are most likely a couple of years away.