Initially announced in September for an “early 2022” release, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection has been rated by the ESRB. It will be available initially on PS5; the PC version, developed by Iron Galaxy, will release “shortly after” the PS5 version. The game will be rated “T for Teen.”
The Legacy of Thieves collection will include two games from the Uncharted franchise. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End initially released in 2016 for the PlayStation 4. Its follow-up, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, released the following year, also for PlayStation 4. Both games have been remastered for both PlayStation 5 and PC.
This is not the first remaster that the series has seen; Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection remastered the original trilogy, bringing the franchise from the PlayStation 3 to PS4 in 2015.
There are currently no plans to bring that trilogy to the PC, which makes things a little awkward. The chronological timeline for the Uncharted series follows the release order of the games. If you, as a PC owner, start with the Legacy of Thieves collection, you’re jumping in at the end of Nathan Drake’s story.
It’s akin to starting off a mega-franchise on Episode 4 of a 9 episode story arc.
Sony has been trending towards bringing an increasing number of games to the PC platform. Here’s to hoping that we’ll eventually see the Nathan Drake Collection co-exist with the Legacy of Thieves Collection.
In the meantime, we also mused about 10 PS5 games we’d like to see released on PC, so feel free to give that a look as well.