There are plenty of mounts in World of Warcraft, and more are added with every patch and expansion. However, many of these mounts are pretty rare and can involve a lot of grinding to get them.
Here are 10 of the best rare mounts that you can get in WoW right now. Be prepared to put in a lot of effort to get them.
10 – Gorestrider Gronnling
![Gorefist Gronnling in WoW](
This is a Horde-specific mount that requires you to work your way through a very long list of achievements, which involves every achievement in ‘Glory of the Draenor Raider’ as well as completing a quest available in either Blackrock Foundry or Highmaul Raids.
It’s fair to say that trying to get this mount will take you some time, and you may want to include some friends or Guild members to assist in some of the achievements, as it will make the process significantly easier.
9 – Wastelander Skyterror
![Wastelander Skyterror mount in WoW](
While it may sound easy on the surface, as all you have to do is purchase it from Quartermaster Qorra in Uldum for 24,000 Gold, it isn’t actually that simple. First, you have to obtain Exalted status with the rare faction Uldum Accord. This may take you a while, so be prepared for a grind.
8 – Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
![Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent in WoW's gallery](
To get this mount, you have to hope it drops from Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit. You can only have one shot at this a week, so you may wait a while before you get this mount. It has a rough drop rate of 0.33%, so you’ll have to pray that you get fortunate with this one.
As with the Son of Galleon, you can use Elder Charms of Good Fortune to get a bonus roll on your loot.
7 – Ashes of Al’ar
![Ashes of Al'ar in WoW gallery](
This is a gorgeous mount, but it’s also super difficult to obtain. To get this mount, you have to kill Kael’Thas Sunstrider in The Eye raid. It has a rough drop rate of 1%, so you have higher odds of getting this mount than some others on this list.
That being said, you may still be waiting a while to get it.
6 – Deepstar Aurelid
![Deepstar Aurelid in WoW's gallery](
This is a highly sought-after mount from Zereth Mortis that drops from Hirukon, a rare elite in Zereth Mortis. While it has a 4% chance of dropping, you may be waiting a while for this mysterious mob to appear. Players are known for camping by the water he resides in, waiting for him to appear.
The loot table for this elite is pretty big, so you may be waiting a while until you can get your hands on this mount.
5 – Silent Glider
![Silent Glider in WoW's gallery](
This is a difficult mount to get and has a 0.58% chance of dropping from Soundless in Nazjatar. It is a very cool mount and can be used in the air or underwater.
4 – Prestigious Midnight Courser
![Prestigious Midnight Courser in WoW](
This very cool and edgy mount is available by completing a very hefty grind. To get this mount, you have to reach Honor level 250. This may take you a long time, especially if you are someone who doesn’t enjoy PvP or struggles to succeed in it. Regardless of whether you are good at PvP or not, this will take you a long time.
3 – Invincible
![Invincible in WoW](
Invincible is a very hard mount to get, as it has an extremely low drop rate. It also includes beating 11 bosses before you can get to the Lich King, where the mount will drop should you get it. This mount has a rough 1% drop rate, so you may be farming this raid for a while before you get lucky.
If you want a chance to get this mount, make sure to run the raid on Heroic, 25 players. Otherwise, your attempts won’t count. To make the most of it, we recommend having multiple alts you can run this raid on weekly to give you the best chances of getting it.
2 – Son of Galleon
![Son of Galleon mount in Gallery](
In order to get the Son of Galleon mount, you have to farm a particular elite mob in the Temple of the Four Winds. This particular mob will be marked on the map, and it is called Salyis’ Warband. Luckily, it doesn’t have an ultra-long respawn time, and you’ll be waiting approximately 15 minutes if the mob isn’t there when you get there. While drop chances have been buffed, it is still very difficult to obtain, so that you may be grinding this mount for a while.
You can use Elder Charms of Good Fortune, which will give you a bonus roll. You will have to farm Lesser Charms of Good Fortune first to exchange them to get the Elder Charms, which you can farm on the Timeless Isles.
1 – Astral Cloud Serpent
![Astral Cloud Serpent in WoW](
To get the Astral Cloud Serpent, you have to kill Elegon in the Mogu’Shan Vaults in Pandaria. You can run this raid on 10 or 25 man, and you can get the mount drop from either Normal or Heroic. Your best chances for it are on a Heroic 25-man raid, as this will give you up to a 4-5% chance of getting the mount.
That’s everything you need to know about obtaining the ten rarest mounts in World of Warcraft. Of course, there are plenty of mounts that require a lot of effort to get and also have a significantly low drop rate.
Hopefully, as you farm them, luck will be on your side, and it will only take you a couple of attempts to get it rather than farming it for months on end. We suggest having alts that you can use as well to farm the content, too, to get the most out of your attempts.