Dying Light 2, which releases February 4th, is getting a day one patch. It’ll aim to fix over 1,000 bugs before the game is playable to the masses.
Techland, who publishes and develops the game, announced on Twitter recently. They ask people who got early game copies to wait until the February 4th patch was made available.
Early reviews for Dying Light 2 mentioned some bugs and stability issues. Techland seems to be addressing these in time for the game’s release. We’ll see how much of an effect it has once everyone gets a copy of the game here soon.
In the meantime, be sure to check out the highglits from the Dying Light 2 day one patch below.
- Fixed the Broadcast infinite respawn story block
- Fix for dialogues that block story progression
- Re-signing to the co-op session doesn’t fail in case the user is logged in
- Fixed crash when handing electrical parts to Carlos in Bazaar
- Fixed problems with temporarily lowering the difficulty level – improved adaptive difficulty for AIs
- Fixed crash caused by background renderer during the transition between menu and loading screens
- Increased Wwise overall memory limit – fix for missing sounds and voice-over
- Resolved problems with objects and AI sinking into the ground on a flat surface.
- Fix for AI sometimes freezing/becoming immortal when the owner changes during death
- Added protection against potential crashes.
- Updates for ES, CH; DE intro.
- Added missing game actions fixing occasional unresponsiveness.
- Fixed Streamer Mode option which was not working properly.
- Fixed crash on opening the secondary screen.
- Fixed disconnecting co-op sessions after a certain amount of time.
- And many more…