After its reveal 18 months ago, Hogwarts Legacy is getting its time in the spotlight.

Today, Sony and WB Games Avalance announced that Hogwarts Legacy would be receiving its State of Play. The show will run for approximately 20 minutes and go live Thursday, March 17th at 2:00 PM PDT.
Chandler Wood, Community Manager for WB Games Avalanche, had this to say regarding the Hogwarts Legacy State of play:
“Since we first revealed Hogwarts Legacy, the trailer has been viewed over 28 million times on the PlayStation YouTube channel. We promised to share more this year, and we’re finally ready to deliver on that promise.”
The PlayStation.Blog mentions that a special post will feature more context for the State of Play on Thursday.
“This is an incredible moment that we’ve been building towards for a long time,” Wood continues5. “We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.
Hogwarts Legacy is still scheduled to be released later this year. A tweet from January 2021 mentions the game’s original delay. “Creating the best possible experience for all of the Wizarding World and gaming fans is paramount to us so we are giving the game the time it needs.” With the upcoming State of Play devoted solely to Hogwarts Legacy, an official release date seems imminent.
Set in the late 1800s, Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG that follows a student’s life at Hogwarts. Despite the State of Play event, the game will release on Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, as well as PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.
The game’s official site mentions that J.K. Rowling, who has come under fire for her discriminatory and hateful comments against the transgender community, has no direct involvement. “J.K. Rowling is not directly involved in the creation of the game, however, her extraordinary body of writing is the foundation of all projects in the Wizarding World. This is not a new story from J.K. Rowling.”