Novice builders who have arrived and started engaging in My Time at Sandrock will quickly find themselves searching for Copper Sticks. These sticks are an essential refined material used to construct a few items, including the Basic Planting Kit, Curling Iron, and new workstations.
So, if you want to erect new crafting stations at your Workshop, you’ll need Copper Sticks in the game. There is more than one way to obtain them, and the methods are all easy to follow.
How to Get Copper Sticks in My Time at Sandrock

My Time at Sandrock players can acquire Copper Sticks in one of three ways. They can purchase them at Hugo’s Hammer Time shop for 66 Gols a piece, utilize two Copper Bars with a Processor, or toss Copper Scraps into a Recycler to yield a Copper Stick for 40%. The latter will likely be your initial option since digging through scrap piles is introduced early while you explore the tutorial.
From there, you’ll work your way to establishing the Workshop and the stations within it. One of which is the aforementioned Processor, a crafting station you can obtain from Mr. Qi’s completed research. He’ll require three Data Discs from you; these are usually found throughout any Abandoned Ruins area. Evidently, fresh builders will begin excavating the Eufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins before exploring other neglected areas. Eventually, you’ll want to move on to the Civil Processor, which will cost you 16 Data Discs. Regardless, the standard Processor is sufficient to generate Copper Sticks.
Finally, spending your hard-earned Gols at Hammer Time is the last option. Again, these cost 66 Gols per stick, so it’s not the best route to rely on. We recommend saving your Gols for when they are needed. In the meantime, you can depend on your Processor or any Copper Scraps to get your builder some Copper Sticks.
Using Copper Sticks

Now that you’ve obtained the sticks in question, you can look into some recipes that require them. Only a few are listed, along with the new crafting stations you can build. We’ve thrown them into a list altogether; the following recipes are as follows:
Craft at Worktable
- Basic Planting Kit – Bronze Bars (x6), Copper Stick (x3), Rubber Tube (x3), Old Parts (x2)
- Bird Swing – Copper Stick (x1), Quartz (x4), Pigment (x2)
- Curling Iron – Copper Stick (x2), Copper Wire (x1), Simple Circuits (x1)
Build at Assembly Station
- Crane Lift (used in “Picking Up the Slack” mission) – Bearing (x4), Bricks (x8), Copper Stick (x5), Thick Rope (x6), Wooden Stick (x5)
- Drying Rack (obtained during “The New Builder” mission) – Copper Stick (x2), Old Parts (x2)
- Fake Yakmel (obtained during “A Fake Friend” mission) – Basic Leather (x4), Copper Loudspeaker (x2), Copper Stick (x2), Engine (x1), Wooden Boards (x2)
- Forging Machine (researched by Mr. Qi for 12 Data Discs) – Bronze Bars (x6), Copper Stick (x3), Marble Brick (x5), Metal Coil (x2)
- Sunshade (obtained during “Made in the Shade” mission) – Basic Leather (x4), Copper Stick (x2), Thin Thread (x2)
Generate at Foraging Machine
- Frying Pan – Bronze Bars (x3), Copper Stick (x1)
As far as gifting goes, not many Sandrockers are interested in receiving a Copper Stick. The only notable local who mildly enjoys them is Jensen, who can provide a +6 point in Relationship. In truth, a Copper Stick is a weak present that doesn’t generate enough love to make an exchange worthwhile in My Time at Sandrock.