
Nocturne Interview | Devs Talk Music and Rhythm

Nocturne Interview - Devs Talk Music and Rhythm

Sometimes we are fortunate to cross paths with some really amazing people. This happened just last week when we able to sit down to talk with creator Benjamin Pracy and composer João Gonçalves about their upcoming rhythm title Nocturne. The game is currently live on Kickstarter and aiming for around $52,958 (US) to develop and release the full game. We spoke with the developers to learn more about what makes Nocturne unique.

Nocturne game developer interview

So, what’s Nocturne?

Ben: Nocturne is a story-driven rhythm game set in the digital afterlife.

What inspired this game?

Ben: I was inspired by RPGs and rhythm games that I played growing up, specifically Grandia and O2Jam (now O2Mania). Thinking about this, I wondered why no one had combined these games together.

What makes Nocturne different from other rhythm games?

Ben: …well, it’s an RPG.

What would you say makes the music different?

Ben: Most rhythm games are a collection of similar music, but they don’t combine together to create a bigger picture. In Nocturne, we were able to create a soundtrack that tells the story alongside the gameplay, where the tension and excitement of the story can be reflected in the progression of the music.

João: I totally agree.

What else can you tell us about the music?

João: Nocturne was very different from other projects I’d worked on, in the sense that it allowed me to write in a way that I normally wouldn’t when writing soundtracks. Because of the rhythm game mechanic, I was able to push the boundaries a bit, in regards to music composition, in order to provide players with a challenge the harder the enemies get. That was a fun process.

Were the songs made with computers or instruments?

João: Both, actually. I made a lot of tunes using computer software, but also recorded myself playing guitar and bass. I worked with other musicians like Ruan Pestana (keyboard) and Cacά Lazzari (drums) to get the right sound. We brought on Gywn Mathias too to help with the mastering.

That sounds intense. Ben, did you direct much of the music?

Ben: Not really. I let João take charge while I focused more on the story.

Right on. What can you tell us about the story?

Ben: So, I’m actually trained in film, and Nocturne’s story is based on an old film script I wrote which was about large companies owning and controlling a digital afterlife that people could upload their minds into upon death. Although, I wanted to focus on an individual character’s journey, and so I set Nocturne’s story about a thousand years after the film’s story.

Do you think you’ll ever return to the film?

Ben: Heh, let’s see how Nocturne goes.

What’s the best part about Nocturne?

Ben: The giant orange koi fish who is also a monk. He’s called Satoru.

What’s your favorite song from Nocturne?

Ben: I think it’s the ‘Mantis’ theme. It’s an enemy in the game and the tune I used for the Kickstarter trailer.

João: I like Yako and Kimothy’s themes.

Ben: Yeah, Yako’s is good.

How has it been working with each other?

João: As a music composer, all I can say is that working with Ben has been a treat. He knows what he wants while at the same time allowing for artistic input. The story is amazing, so I’m glad to be a part of it and I look forward to helping create music that identifies the world of Nocturne.

Ben: And João has been amazing with both his creations and dedication to the project. I love that he has really immersed himself in this world and it really shows in his music. He pours his passion into it and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Anything else you’d like to tell us?

Ben: If any of this appeals to you, please try out Nocturne’s first chapter for free on Steam:

João: The music and sound team did incredible work.

The Nocturne Kickstarter campaign is live now and will be running all the way through to September 17. If you’d like to get a glimpse of the action in Nocturne: Prelude for yourself, check out this full playthrough from YouTube user Trihex.

Written by Andrew Smith