The latest patch for Rainbow Six Siege finally introduced the long-awaited ranked match cancellation feature. Numerous fans had expressed how frustrating it was to carry on playing an uneven match, and Ubisoft has at last addressed those complaints. Here’s how to cancel a ranked match in Rainbow Six Siege.
How to Cancel a Ranked Match in Rainbow Six Siege
The option to cancel a match in Rainbow Six Siege appears automatically during certain situations. Ranked matches can only be canceled if the team sizes are unbalanced, such as when players leave before the first round, or when lobbies are created with less than 10 players. When that happens, a match cancellation vote will appear for the incomplete team.
This new system is designed to prevent uneven matches and help alleviate concerns over abandon penalties. After the Y5S2.1 patch, the option to cancel a ranked match will appear during the match’s prep phrase. If your team is incomplete, you’ll be given a vote option to cancel the match. If the majority agrees, the match will be canceled without any impact on MMR.
Unfortunately, if you don’t manage to trigger or win the vote to cancel, you do not have any other options available. If the vote fails and you leave the match early, you can still be put under abandon sanctions. These penalties escalate each time you abandon a match, so you should be careful with it. Likewise, if you leave a match before the cancel vote is finished, this will also count as abandoning the match, resulting in a penalty applied to your account. You need to wait until the vote is over and in your favor before you leave.
Rainbow Six Siege is a game that consistently struggles with matchmaking, resulting in a number of complaints from players. Since Rainbow Six Siege is constantly being updated, new features from the patch may still have issues. If you encounter any problems with match cancellation, you should report them to Ubisoft by going to