In Stray, there’s more to the game than just completing the journey. In fact, the journey itself can reap rewards for the player. These include the badges the cat can acquire while making their way throughout the city. One of them is the Plant badge, which requires you to find yellow, red and purple plants. Naturally, their locations aren’t all grouped together. To find all plants, you’re going to have to start searching.
Where to Find Yellow, Red, and Purple Plants in Stray
In the second major hub of the game, you’ll be treated to a major character moment for B-12. Avoiding spoilers, you won’t be able to interact with any robot in Antvillage until you make it to the top and talk to Zbaltazar. However, once that conversation is complete, you’ll be able to travel back down and interact with the other robots. One of these robots is gardener, they’ll ask you to find the red, yellow and purple plants to complete their collection. Here’s where they’re located.
The red plant is located at the bottom of the Village. You’ll see a tree with the red plants on it if you find the two robots playing Majong. Climb into the bucket and ride down to the bottom. Hop across the barrels and approach the tree. There, you can get your hands on the red plant.
The purple plant is up a few levels where you can climb onto a tree next to a robot. From there, you can walk all the way to the end of the branch and pick up the purple plant.
The final yellow plant is located on the same level as Zbaltazar. Go to the other side of his platform, and you’ll be able to walk onto a pipe and pick out the last flower.
Once all this is completed, you can show all of these to the robot gardener who will bestow your cat with a plant badge.