It’s rare to see these days in a world marred by delays, but Monolith Soft actually moved the release date of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 up by a couple of months. Originally planning on a September release, fans of the JRPG can now play the third entry in the series when it comes out on July 29th, 2022. The release date was revealed in a new trailer.
The new trailer details story elements and delve deeper into the game’s battle system. The official press release says, “Players will step into the roles of protagonists Noah and Mio amid turmoil between the hostile nations of Keves and Agnus. Six characters from those nations will take part in a grand tale with “life” as its central theme. Explore a new world that will connect the futures of both Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.”
Expect a world full of political strife, warring nations, and plenty of JRPG goodness. If the first two games are an indicator, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 should be full of side quests, characters to meet, and an open world on the backs of giant creatures ready to explore.
The game will feature a large cast of characters, with up to seven characters in a battle at a time – more than what’s been seen before. With this larger party size comes the ability to fuse two characters at once by using an ability called Interlink. This transforms two party members into a powerful being called the Ouroboros. There are three tag-team pairs: Noah and Mio, Lanz and Sena, Eunie, and Taion. Each team becomes a different being with its own unique move set and abilities.
Your party members can also change classes in the game – allowing for even more customization. Each character recruited has its own specialization. Noah, for example, is a swordfighter who specializes in close-ranged attacks. Mio is a Zephyr who can draw enemy attention and swiftly evade their attacks.
If you haven’t played the games before, you still have time to dive into the first two entries before the third game’s release. You’ll want to set aside a good chunk of time, though. Not only is the first entry one of the best RPGs, but it’s also one of the longest. The second game is one of the best Switch exclusives.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is coming to Nintendo Switch this summer on July 29th.