There’s a plethora of things to do, creatures to kill, buildings to build, and foods to cook in Dragon Quest Builders 2. For perfectionists, the game can be a daunting yet rewarding experience. There are plenty of resources to explore that can greatly go with one structure over another, such as the Hotel.

The dedicated crowd can really make a home for themselves, given all of the available tools and resources. Just like selling items or finding wheatgrass, the process isn’t terribly complicated once you know what to do. For players who love to power through the game but still need some direction or details, here’s how to construct a Dragon Quest Builders 2 Hotel. It’s time to put your villagers to work!
How to Construct a Hotel

You can build a Hotel in Dragon Quest Builders 2 by combining two rooms: one Reception Room and one Bedroom. Connecting these rooms into one will generate a Hotel for your villagers to visit and use. From there, you’re free to decorate the new area as you please.
In truth, it’s a quick turnaround if you have the right materials for construction. More so, it’s attached to one of Hairy Hermit’s Challenges, or Tablet Targets as they are referred to. Completing this particular challenge will reward your Builder with a mini-medal and some applause from villagers.
After getting a few townsfolk attracted and moved into a Builders settlement, there’s only one thing left to do: make the settlement a place to call home for the folks. There are several luxury buildings and rooms that can be constructed in the game, but sometimes simplicity is key. Give the people a “day-cation,” and break ground on an in-game Hotel where placement is essential.
Building a Bedroom and a Reception
As your Builder, Malroth, and the other villagers continue to fill up the Builderpedia, we oftentimes forget how to put together a few basic items and structures. Let’s quickly go over the recipes for the Bedroom room and the Reception room.
First and foremost, there has to be a place for people to sleep. This is known as the Basic Bedroom, or the sleeping room to some villagers and players. The Basic Bedroom blueprint is one of the many rudimentary selections that the Builder can choose from. It only requires two Bed (any kind) and one Light Source (any kind). We went with the Golden Brazier for our room, which only requires five Gold Ingot and one Coal.
Now that we have a living space, we’re going to need an area for the public to walk through. Next, there needs to be a front desk for guests to check in, book rooms, or to hideaway in a hurried attempt to dorm and dash. This is known otherwise as the Reception Room.
Your Reception Room will need a couple more resources for its construction. After a large enough space has been carved or placed out, mind your space with windows and doors then start building away.
By constructing alongside the Basic Bedroom, assemble two Table (any kind), one Tabletop Light Source (any kind), one Wall Hanging (or Decoration to some), and one Stationary for collecting funds and clients’ information. Doing so will generate a new Hotel, as long as there is a connecting door between the two rooms.
Expert Tip
Remember that the grid system in Dragon Quest Builders 2 is your ultimate guide to building any structure of your choice. Break into as much ground as you can if you’re looking for the best results.
Also, be mindful of where you place your beds for the Basic Bedroom setup. It’s always important to ensure you have enough building space before committing to your renovation plan.