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Elden Ring Meteoric Ore Blade | Where to Find

Elden Ring Meteoric Ore Blade - Where to Find

In Elden Ring, there are many weapons that you can bring to the final boss. Making a build around each and every one of them is one of the best ways to replay the game, especially if the weapons are any good. And the Meteoric Ore Blade in Elden Ring is quite fantastic! This katana is legendary for its high magic damage, its innate bleed, and strong weapon art. Let’s talk about where this katana is located, why it’s so neat, and what you should do with it.

Where to Find the Meteoric Ore Blade in Elden Ring

Where to Find the Meteoric Ore Blade in Elden Ring

The Meteoric Ore Blade is found in the underground area of the Caelid Waypoint Ruins in Elden Ring. This underground section is just to the northwest of the map’s mini-marker, and is defended by many Lesser Kindred of Rot. The katana itself is a Somber Smithing stone weapon with medium Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence scaling. It’s weapon skill casts Gravitas, a large circular area of effect that pulls enemies closer.

The Caelid Waypoint Ruins are located quite close to Limgrave, making this rather easy to obtain in the early game. Simply follow the road to the south and you’ll be there in a jiffy! Just watch out for the massive dogs and crows that can become hostile that lurk nearby.

The Meteoric Ore Blade is a useful Katana for Strength and Intelligence builds. Its unique scaling compared to other katanas means that dexterity is not quite as important, though it still adds to the weapon’s physical damage. Unlike many Strength weapons, this katana’s scaling is a bit low, meaning it is easier to invest in Intelligence for a caster build. The katana’s moveset is also very fast, making it a safe weapon. The Gravitas Weapon art is clunky, but can be useful for staggering rooms of enemies. The high poise damage of it — and the unique heavy attack — makes this Katana a very consistent tool for safe pressure.

Written by Andrew Smith